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Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD 1619DR Players

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    I thought I'd ask the question here of the owners of the new boxes (1619 chipset) who have also owned the previous (1296 chipset) boxes.
    I've been off this forum for the last 6-7months or so as I have been happy with my Z10 from the later firmware onwards, and as you guys probably remember I did have numerous issues with the dreaded "blank screen issues" upon first release. But have been a happy owner since. Anyway I'm about to pull the trigger on the Z1000 Pro next week when Futeko are expected to restock. I know the new boxes are DV compatible, but besides that:

    1) Can I expect a noticeable improvement in PQ on the Z1000Pro over the Z10 on my exisitng HDR10 mkv rips?
    2) Is there a noticeable improvement in the overall snapiness of the UI/poster wall/general speed of scrolling up/down through hundreds of file items etc?
    3) Have the initial bugs now been ironed out on the new boxes and are they stable? As we all know Zidoo boxes are usually unstable to begin with but like wine, get much better with age.

    The above as well as the inclusion of the new menu system on the z1000 pro, plus the inclusion of the bluetooth remote is what is making me lean towards the Z1000 pro this time around.

  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Bearing in mind my experiences are with the Z9X, I'd say:

    1 - Like for like, no - so HDR10 on the 1296 looks much the same as HDR10 on the 1619 and the same for SDR. However once you bring VS10 into the equation then yes, there is a noticeable improvement in my opinion. And depending on your display, the flexibility of HDR options is much greater than the older chipset.

    2 - There's very slight increase in zippiness!

    3 - It really depends on how you use the box. I use it for MKV rips of UHD BluRays and for that, in my experience, it's now rock solid. I was part of the original beta team and I can tell you there are a hell of a lot of issues that have been ironed out since we first started. There are still plenty of little bugs left to iron out (a couple of medium sized ones too!), but none of these stop you enjoying the box for what it is - a damn good local media player that builds on its predecessor.
    Sh1no8i, zarathoestra and Mariusz like this.
  3. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    Yes I did imagine PQ would be better in DV, however since my current rips are all in HDR10 MKV remuxes in TrueHD/Atmos/DTS Master Audio/DTS-X, I excluded the DV aspect in my original question as I'm not sure if I can be bothered re-ripping so many discs... So DV would be a go forward rather than a re-rip for me. Its good to know the new boxes are slighlty faster and that for me would make a difference as to be honest I only show off the poster wall for family and freinds, I personally just use the file explorer via NFS to my synology to navigate my collection and I've got over a good few thousand titles in 1080p and 200+ in 4K UHD remuxes, so you can imagine every little in speed increase helps.

    Thanks for the confidence in the maturity of the current firmwares. Hopefully it will be a good experiance, think I'm ready to pull the trigger on the Z1000 pro as soon as futeko bring them in at some point next week.
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You can also experiment with the VS10 engine converting to DV - it does a really good job of tone mapping to your display's capabilities and colours are spot on for SDR and HDR10. I just have mine on full time LLDV now and it looks great - S&M test patterns show a better response using the VS10 engine rather than Realtek's.

    And I don't even have a Dolby Vision display!! :)
    vddan and Mariusz like this.
  5. OlivierQC

    OlivierQC Well-Known Member

    It's magical, no more need to change TV's :)

    About the ‘’S&M pattern show a better response using the VS10 engine rather than Realtek's.‘’

    Is it about color gradients only as sledge said in his review a few months ago or have there been other improvements in recent months ?

  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No more improvements over those reported - also, if you look at quantised ramps (ie, individual luminance levels) the response is more linear than the Realtek engine.
  7. Dariusz Kamiński

    Dariusz Kamiński New Member

    I have a Zidoo Z 1000 Pro.
    Thank you Mark for the pattern
    You made the settings, that is:
    Display / HDR: Auto *
    Display / Color Settings / 4K 50 ~ 60Hz: YUV420 10bit priority
    Display / Color Settings / 4K 23 ~ 30 Hz: YUV444 10 bit priority
    Display / Color Settings / Non-4K: YUV444 8-bit priority
    Display / Color Settings / HDMI Range: 16-235 **
    Display / HDMI mode: 3840x2160p 23 Hz ***

    Audio / HDMI Audio: AUTO ****
    Audio / Downmix HD Audio Out: OFF

    I just wonder if it is better to change the setting "Display Mode / HDMI: 3840x2160p 23 Hz" to "Display Mode / HDMI: 3840x2160p 60 Hz?
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2021
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Display Mode is entirely down to personal preference - I set mine to 23Hz so that there is no HDMI resync between the GUI/HT4 and movies because my JVC projector takes about 15 seconds to resync. But there is no issue to set it to 60Hz if you don't mind resyncs or they don't take very long on your display. My Samsung TV only takes a couple of seconds to resync, but it's still a bit annoying.

    At 60Hz you find that text in the HT4 scrolls much more smoothly - so as I say, it's purely a personal preference.

    If resyncs are not an issue to you then it's actually probably better to set to 1080p 60Hz since the GUI and HT4 are natively 1920x1080 so you find it looks a bit sharper rather than being upscaled to 4K.

    (I've changed the text in the original post just to clarify this)
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2021
    Mariusz likes this.
  9. Dariusz Kamiński

    Dariusz Kamiński New Member

    Thank you Mark for your help. I changed this value to 60 HZ. I left the other settings for the ones you suggested in this forum.
    Mariusz and Markswift2003 like this.
  10. shasurf

    shasurf New Member

    hello what's the last update for the z10 pros thank you I think that on the site they are a little late
  11. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

  12. Cybrid3

    Cybrid3 New Member

    I'm posting this here as this seems the most appropriate place. I am a little confused on the recommended settings. I have gone with what's in the op but keep seeing stuff about vs10 and LLDV. I watch a mixture of hdr content, 1080p and SD DVD rips. I have an LG oled C8. Should I stick with the op settings or would I see an improvement with some further tweaks based on my TVs capabilities?
  13. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    What tweaks are you thinking of?
  14. Cybrid3

    Cybrid3 New Member

    Well I am confused if I should leave the hdr settings on auto or should it be on LLDV or vs10?
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It depends what you want to achieve and more importantly, what looks best to you.

    If you leave HDR on "Auto", you'll get all content played natively (arguably, as it should be) - so SDR will be output in SDR, HDR in HDR and DV in DV. For DV, how you have Settings/Display/Dolby Vision Compatible Mode will define whether DV content is output in LLDV or standard DV.

    If you select LLDV, all content is converted to LLDV regardless.

    If you set VS10 mode, all content is converted to Standard DV regardless.

    VS10 for HDR and VS10 for SDR both act like "Auto" except for HDR and SDR content respectively, which will be converted to DV, and as with "Auto", how you have Settings/Display/Dolby Vision Compatible Mode will define whether HDR content is output in LLDV or standard DV.

    But again, the key to all this is what looks best to you.
  16. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    Got my Z1000 Pro on order, should be here wednesday. Quick question regarding the CEC auto power on/off control on the new version of android which the z1000 pro is based on. Does the power on/off cec work properly on the new devices. I know its CEC is sketchy in general, and it is a bit hit and miss on my current Z10.
    I noticed the z1000 pro has an RS232 port on the back and I also have an RS232 port on the back of my Denon X3500h. Can I just connect a serial cable from my AVR to the Zidoo and it will simply work like a 12v Trigger cable that I have on my Sub? i.e. power on the AVR and the Zidoo will come on. Power off the AVR and the zidoo will turn off?

    I've no experiance using the RS232 port.

  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No I'm afraid not - the RS-232 ports on both the Zidoo and the Denon are for control of each via each's dedicated RS-232 protocols.

    I use this to control both my Zidoos and Denons via Crestron - it might sound primitive in these days of wireless controls etc, but it's the control protocol of choice in the CI world due to its absolute robustness.

    Also, the RS-232 protocol for the Zidoo is the only one to have discrete on/off control, again, absolutely vital for custom integration.

    No idea whether CEC works properly (I'd assume not ;) ) as it's the first thing I disable on all kit!
    DELUCAS likes this.
  18. Zigourney

    Zigourney Active Member

    Ok thanks for the info. Hopefully things have improved on the CEC functionality on the Z1000 pro. It's not a major feature for me, but a nice to have, if it works properly. It works flawlessly on the APTV4K so was hoping for the same experiance on the newer Zidoos.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    It work then it wont
    Or a firmware update may break it or fix it then break it so to speak .
    Mine is permanantly off like Markswift .
    It end up giving you more headaches than what its worth .

    In a few words its work of the Devil .

    I would not bother with it .
    Zigourney likes this.
  20. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    It's the work of the Devil! I'll always remember that comment of yours :) Turn off and get A CEC-Less adapter
    Markswift2003 likes this.

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