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Recommended Settings and other useful stuff for RTD 1619DR Players

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Of course - but this is your area of expertise, so if you want to make some suggestions...
  2. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Will PM a setup. Give me some time.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

  4. shasurf

    shasurf New Member

    hello hello nobody can give me an info to start the zidoo remotely
  5. Hugo Salas

    Hugo Salas New Member

    [QUOTE = "Markswift2003, publicación: 135730, miembro: 21473"] Mucha gente pregunta acerca de esto, así que pensé en publicar aquí para poder señalar esto en el futuro.

    Puede que no sea adecuado para todos, pero estas son las configuraciones que recomiendo de la visualización 2K y 4K en los nuevos modelos de Zidoo:


    Reproducción / Velocidad de fotogramas automática / Modo de frecuencia de fotogramas: cambia la frecuencia de fotogramas y la resolución

    Pantalla / HDR: Automático *
    Pantalla / Configuración de color / 4K 50 ~ 60Hz: Prioridad YUV420 10BIT
    Pantalla / Configuración de color / 4K 23 ~ 30Hz: Prioridad YUV444 10BIT
    Pantalla / Configuración de color / No 4K: Prioridad YUV444 8BIT
    Pantalla / Configuración de color / Rango HDMI: 16-235 **
    Modo de pantalla / HDMI: 3840x2160p 23Hz ***

    Audio / Audio HDMI: AUTO ****
    Salida Audio / Downmix HD Audio: OFF

    * Se puede configurar de forma discreta; las opciones disponibles dependen de EDID; consulte a continuación.
    ** Esto establece 64 - 940 para contenido de 10 bits. Se puede configurar en Automático, pero prefiero configurarlo discretamente
    *** Esto es una preferencia personal y suponiendo que la velocidad de fotogramas / resolución automática esté activada, es solo la configuración de la interfaz gráfica de usuario.
       (Configure esto último ya que al cambiar el modo HDR se restablece el modo HDMI)
    **** Desde v6.0.90, "AUTO" funciona ya que DTS-HD ahora es compatible correctamente (aún se puede usar RAW)


    Pantalla / MaxCLL y MaxFALL: ON *
    Pantalla / Configuración de color / Modo de compatibilidad de color profundo: APAGADO **

    * Algunos sistemas usan MaxFALL / CCL, otros no. Generalmente, dejar ON está bien porque incluso si el sistema lo ignora, no hay ningún problema con el mensaje SEI que lo contiene. Puede ser útil apagarlo para el procesamiento gamma externo.

    ** Habilita el forzado de 4K50 / 60 4: 2: 0 10/12 bits incluso si EDID no lo permite.
    (Algunos televisores pueden aceptar esta señal aunque EDID dice que no puede)
    Si su EDID especifica 4K50 / 60 4: 2: 0 10/12 bits, esta configuración no tendrá ningún efecto.
    Si su EDID no especifica 4K50 / 60 4: 2: 0 10/12 bits y no lo permite, el ajuste ON causará pérdida de imagen.


    La configuración disponible dependerá de EDID

    [ATTACH = full] 5159 [/ ATTACH]


    Pantalla / modo compatible con Dolby Vision / <on> <off>

    Esto permite que las pantallas que pueden procesar tanto Standard DV y LLDV para priorizar qué modo se utiliza con la salida DV.

    <ON> - Se da prioridad a DV estándar
    <OFF> - Se prioriza LLDV


    La siguiente tabla muestra los resultados esperados para diferentes perfiles Dolby Vision del motor VS10.
    La salida de DV o LLDV depende de EDID y todas las pruebas se realizaron con archivos de nivel 6 (4K23)

    [ATTACH = full] 5178 [/ ATTACH]


    Para obtener información, a continuación se muestra una tabla que detalla los modos HDMI legales en 4K para HDMI 1.4 y 2. *
    Los números muestran la tasa de bits, es decir. ancho de banda requerido, para cada modo. Donde muestra "-", no es modo legal y, por lo tanto, no es compatible con HDMI.

    [ATTACH = full] 5843 [/ ATTACH]


    Para aquellos con un Vertex o similar y un televisor HDR que deseen probar el truco LLDV, Adjunto es un PDF rápido y sucio para mostrar cómo configurar esto.

    Esto engaña al Zidoo haciéndole creer que está conectado a un televisor capaz de LLDV, pero reasigna los colores primarios en BT.2020, lo que permite verlo correctamente con la configuración HDR estándar.

    Hello! I have the zidoo z1000 pro and a panasonic gz1000 tv (compatible with dolby vision), what hdr configuration do you recommend? I like the way the dolby vision looks. But if the content that I reproduce is hdr, and I configure the zidoo in dolby vision. Wouldn't it be forced?
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I'd choose Auto so everything is output in its native format.

    But if you prefer DV, then use that.
    Hugo Salas likes this.
  7. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    Smart YouTube TV beta release has working HDR using exoplayer. 4k 60 has some frame drops but 4k30 is really smooth. Much better than the built in Youtube version.
  8. Dawciowski

    Dawciowski New Member

    Try Vanced YouTube
  9. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    I tried vanced first but it didn't have very good remote control navigation. Smart YouTube TV beta has most of the functions of vanced like adblocks, OLED themes, VP9 HDR toggle and hardware acceleration but has remote navigation also.

    Also Mozilla Firefox TV browser is pretty good for remote controls. Much better than the built in Chrome.

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
  10. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    How do I find out my EDID? I have a TCL 6 Series 2019. My Z9X comes on tues. I just want to know if my tv supports LLDV.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
  11. Rob W

    Rob W Active Member

    Following on from the DV problems and black screen navigiation I have been experiancing with 2016 OLEDS. I have managed to find a way to playback DV content on newer firmwares.
    With latest firmware v6.1.05. I am able to force Dolby Vision to work by setting VS10 Global mode (with enable standard toggle). I have the black screens on navigation screens but when I start a Dolby Vision file it plays back in DV and I get the Dolby Vision logo (not Vs10). As mentioned previously Dolby Vision playback is always black screen when attempting playback in Auto mode.

    So the problem seems to be caused when the player is trying to switch from Auto to VS10 mode automatically on file start DV detection on certain displays.

    So there are two bugs here –
    1. When enabling VS10 DV standard on some displays like the LG 2016 series OLEDS there are black screens on navigation of the GUI. These black screens come and go as you navigate GUI.
    2. When playing back Dolby Vision content from Auto (HDR) on some displays it doesn’t successfully switch to VS10 DV mode and results in Black screen or SDR playback of DV file.
  12. MsieurSeb

    MsieurSeb Member


    I own a Samsung Q9FN.
    It is compatible with HDR10 and HDR10 + but not Dolby Vision like all Samsung TVs. What should I put as a setting in HDR of my Zidoo UHD 3000?
    When I use the DV VS10 Engine for HDR, I have the impression that the image is washed out.

  13. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's complicated...

    If you use <HDR> "Auto" then SDR, HDR10 and HDR10+ are played natively.

    If you choose "Dolby Vision VS10 Engine for HDR", then SDR will be output natively and HDR10(+) will be processed as HDR by the VS10 engine.

    Unfortunately there is currently a bug where VS10 HDR (and SDR) has raised black levels, hence the washed out look. Until this is fixed, you need to set HDMI mode to 0-255 but this will then upset the HDR setting!!

    Details here:

    Zidoo 1619 Black Level issues explained...

    HDMI mode <Auto> will work on some TVs, but not Samsungs since YCC quantisation is not selectable in Samsungs due to EDID settings.

    The other alternative is to set "Dolby Vision VS10 Engine" and set HDMI Mode to 0-255 so all content is processed by the VS10 engine to HDR.

    Or stick with Auto.

    Bet you're glad you asked now :)
    elpablo and MsieurSeb like this.
  14. MsieurSeb

    MsieurSeb Member

    Thank you for your answer
    I have the impression that there is no good method ... I think I'll go: DV VS10 for HDR - HDMI mode to 0-255.

    Do you think this is the right choice?
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sorry, no, that's the one choice that doesn't make sense because then SDR content will be too dark.


    HDR - "Auto"
    HDMI Range - 16-235


    HDR - "Dolby Vision VS10 Engine"
    HDMI Range - 0-255

    Personally I would choose "Auto" so all content is natively presented.
    elpablo, xskip and MsieurSeb like this.
  16. MsieurSeb

    MsieurSeb Member

    I will choose auto while waiting for a future update. Thx
  17. Kenshin

    Kenshin Member


    Player: zidoo Z9X - Firmware: v6.1.05

    hi mark,
    when i set 4K 50~60Hz - YUV 422 12Bit - this setting is only works with YUV 422 8Bit 4K 50~60Hz ? why does the player show 12 bit 422 although it is only 8bit 422? ..
    Dolby Vision is only works with YUV422 8Bit ???


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    This is something I've been trying to get the Zidoo devs to change for months... For some reason the box advertises illegal HDMI modes that simply cannot be selected due to constraints in the HDMI spec.

    At 4K50/60, 422 isn't a legal mode at either 8-bit or 10-bit - the only legal HDMI mode at 4K 422 is 12-bit and so this is why the player will only output at 12-bit for 4K 422.
    xskip likes this.
  19. Kenshin

    Kenshin Member

    thank you for the quick reply.
    the player shows YUV 422 12 bit but my TV shows only YUV 422 8bit that means zidoo is screwing the customer ?
  20. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No, certainly not - as I say, if we are talking 4K50/60 then 422 8-bit isn't legal so cannot be transmitted over HDMI - it has to be 12-bit, so the TV is wrong, at least as far as HDMI transmission is concerned.

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