Problem Unable To install addons on Zmdc

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by leo_os66, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. leo_os66

    leo_os66 New Member


    I've got X10 fronte onestamente month now.
    I'm trying for the 1st time to install addons on Zdmc
    The X10 is connected And I am ablé to use an add on called PER Demo Cliente (You can fine It on addons - pvr clients)
    To unable a new addon I go to System - Settings - add-ons - install from repository
    From there I tried a few from Music addons and from Video addons
    For example if I try to install "Virgin Radio live" I select this addon I select It and I launch Install from the Addon informatica page
    On the right of the addon I can see "downloading 0%" and fate a while a messaggio on the bottom right "installation failed"
    I tried with different addons But always the same problem
    What I can do?

  2. leo_os66

    leo_os66 New Member

    Any hints?
  3. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    firmware version ? zdmc version ?
  4. leo_os66

    leo_os66 New Member

    Zidoo firmware : Last one 1.4.12
    Zdmc : Ver 16
  5. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

    install zdmc 17.1 or 17.3 ( remove 16,P.S. that will wipe all your settings ) 16 may not work properly on .12 firmware
  6. leo_os66

    leo_os66 New Member

    Is there a way To update automatically from Zdmc itself?
  7. HaoSs

    HaoSs Well-Known Member

  8. leo_os66

    leo_os66 New Member

    Sorry I bother you, but could you please give me instructions How can I update Zdmc?

  9. leo_os66

    leo_os66 New Member

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