Hi we release the first version of ZDMC17.1 (base on kodi17.1), only for X8/X9S/X10. Updatelist: 1, add auto-frame function 2, add external player function 3, support HD audio passthrough(dts-hd, true-hd) 4, compatible omx decode of rtd1295. download http://www.mediafire.com/file/n99ucxe3wbbgxf2/zdmc-17.1.apk Notes. if you couldn't install it, please uninstall of the zdmc first, then reinstall this new version
This is fantastic, although I wish you would add proper android audio support for HD audio so that other apps from google play like Plex can use it. It is the ONLY thing destroying this box and its the ONLY think not separating it from the other generic Android hack-job boxes. I know this is a fantastic machine, but my X10 just needs that last touch and you have me as a customer for life!
Well that is great to hear. I have had so many Android boxes and most of them don't even reply, and I am sick of companies that abandon their boxes after 1 firmware update (that doesn't even do anything) and 1 month later they delete the product (I'm exaggerating of course), but you get the point. Well if official Android API is being worked on, that is just outstanding. This is my first Zidoo product, and I hope to find a company to make my future purchase list. So far so good! Android 7 possibility?
From what I know. They are working on 6 . Not sure why. This should be a good opportunity to upgrade to 7. When it comes to android upgrade zidoo is scared. Probably because they work hard to make the original android stable. Time with tell. This is the first time they had 3 boxes under same SDK.
After update to Zdmc 17.1 BETA, not possible to change skin on interface setting ! I would like to change from "Estuary" to "Aeon Nox 5". Nothing change... Please , could help me to change interface ? Thanks
That's odd, I have not had this issue. Did you uninstall ZDMC before installing 17.1, or did you upgrade/install on top? Also regarding upgrading to 7, this would probably be a faster, more stable path to get official HD api working without having to mess around too much. The API in 7 is native, whereas the API in 6 is "supported" meaning some work needs to be done to accomplish it. I would rather see them switch to Android TV instead though, it opens up an easier path with remotes, especially with YouTube, right now its an abomination to use YouTube.
I honestly don't know why I didn't do that from the start, it's not like I have not used an Android box before. Yep works 100%. Any status update on the future of this box and HD-Audio? (I am a tad bit impatient)
You can only use HD Audio pass-through in the built in player. That means using Plex is useless. Even running Plex in Kodi does not run HD Audio because it forces the native android player (not the native Zidoo player) which then prevents any pass-through at all since Zidoo uses API hacks instead of just properly licensing Dolby and DTS which will then enable them to support HD Audio in ALL android apps that are capable of it like Plex. The Nvidia Shield does it via native android api, not a hack or a mod. There is no reason why we can not ask for this, otherwise Zidoo is another crap knock off box like all the rest.
I like how you jump to conclusions. Zidoo had passtrough long before others. Let's appreciate the work a little and not whine about it. And yes. Official API passtrough should come in the near future.
Hi, I have problems with 17.1 release. When I start ZDMC the app don't start, I can see the logo and the progress bar, but when the bar is at 100% I have a black screen. I tried this: 1) Upgrade from 14.x version 2) Uninstall 14.x version and clean install of 17. 3) Re-donloaded of the installation file and clean installation after removing all. What can I do? Thank's