Pls Help Test Z9X with Oppo 203

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by B0RN, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    No perfect device out there right now, they all have their shortcomings. AppleTV has issues, Shield Pro has issues, none of the Zidoo devices even do FEL or EL layers for DV. But a player like Oppo 203 covers all the right formats, it just requires file conversion to .TS for some of the obsecure DV file playback etc. But even Oppo doesnt do the latest CMV4.0 DV, only v2.9 so they are all coming up short right now.
  2. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Ugh.....we're Doomed.....
  3. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Shield Pro comes close with all the formats supported and CMV4.0 compatiblity - its random downside is the red tint push in DV. Something they can fix but it hasnt happened for years now and no new model either so maybe we are doomed.
  4. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Nvidia will 100% never fix that. I think the Shield is effectively abandoned. I highly doubt they'll come out with a new Shield. They most definitely will not fix the red push DV profile 7 issue. They have absolutely no incentive to lol. Unfortunately the Red push basically ruins things. Also the shield doesn't do FEL. It acts like the Zidoo and treats it like MEL. So in that sense, I think it's worse than the Zidoo. The red push kind of ruins any benefit that CMV4.0 is going to have in my opinion.
  5. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Nvidia wont fix their issue, Zidoo wont give us full FEL profiles and so on. I am sticking to my Oppo 203.
  6. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Does the Oppo need you to convert files to .TS?
  7. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Anything that's not in a BDMV folder, needs to be in TS container for DV yes. Majority of my content is full discs so I dont have to mess with .TS too much.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  8. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    @B0RN FEL works on the Ugoos AMB6+ with CoreElec fyi. There's one other device combo that works too but I'm not familiar with it. The u22jx or something.
  9. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    I dont even know what a Ugoos AMB6+ with CoreElec is?
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  10. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    Lol I didn't either until a few weeks ago. It's another one of those android hackbox players or whatever. Looks to be from 2021 so a bit old. But coreelec is a forked Kodi OS. So you install CoreElec instead of the Android OS and somehow FEL works. Don't ask me the technical information of why because I do not know lol. But I can confirm that does indeed work.

    That being said, I would not really call the player "stable" as it does have some wonkyness. I wouldn't use it for my main player, but it does appear to play DV MEL/FEL without issues, and the FEL playback includes the EL layer definitely.
    B0RN likes this.
  11. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Understood, I will stick to my Oppo 203 for DV goodness for now.
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  12. DrGiggles

    DrGiggles Member

    Since then this has changed, it's become a very stable player, with better picture quality than the Oppo and support for CMv4.0 and true TV-Led mode.
    Jimbo Randy likes this.
  13. Thanh Nguyen

    Thanh Nguyen Member

    Is that in regular MKV format with single layer FELS? or does it need to be converted to Dual Layer BDMV like the Oppo?
  14. DrGiggles

    DrGiggles Member

    Supports DTDL from ISO, BDMV, M2TS, TS, MP4, MKV and STDL from M2TS, TS, MP4, MKV.
  15. Thanh Nguyen

    Thanh Nguyen Member

    Nice....just ordered myself one from Amazon.
    DrGiggles likes this.
  16. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    "support for CMv4.0 and true TV-Led mode."
    When was this implemented into Z9X?
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
  17. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

  18. B0RN

    B0RN Active Member

    Just more false hi-tech mumbo jumbo? I was pretty sure Zidoo didnt do CMV4.0 profile.
    Oldpainless likes this.
  19. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    No, they haven't, however, they seem to think (rightly or wrongly) that the Ugoos AMB6+ has.
    B0RN likes this.
  20. Jimbo Randy

    Jimbo Randy Active Member

    The ugoos amb6+ w/CE does have CM4.0 and FEL. I've tested it. 100% works.

    EDIT: He was asking about the Zidoo, so disregard! But the ugoos amb6+ does indeed have these features.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024

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