OPUS audio codec - Z20 Pro

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Luis Silva, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    Hello Markswift2003
    I have exactly the same album shown in the image and the result is background noise without any other sound. On another multimedia devices this album works perfectly.
  2. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    Is there any possibility of integrating VLC, as a user option, as a replacement multimedia player for the Zidoo Z20 Pro main player.
    VLC can read all types of video files, all types of audio embedded in video files and all types of audio files. If possible, it would undoubtedly, be an added value for this device, correcting all existing problems with the use of the multimedia app originally installed with the device's operating system.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No idea why - the DTS wav version plays perfectly for me.

    (DTS flac doesn't work though)
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No, the Zidoo (Realtek) player is a hardware player designed to leverage the power of the SOC and not a software one.

    You can use software players on it but success will be limited because that's not what the SOC is designed to do.
  5. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    In multichannel, with the Z20 Pro audio configuration in auto or raw, not like 2 channels in LPCM ?
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, in multichannel.

    RAW or Auto works.
  7. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    Do you have the Zidoo Z20 Pro with the version v1.0.75?
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I'm testing with a Z9X Pro but it makes no difference - as with all previous Zidoo generations, with the exception of DACs, hard disc bays, different cases and power supplies, all models are fundamentally the same and all share the same firmware base.

    The Z20 Pro shares a motherboard with the Z9X Pro, the only difference being the provision of a hard disc bay on the Z20 Pro.

    All models share the same ability to process video and audio.
  9. cucnz

    cucnz Active Member

    The zidoo says mch ...does the amp thou

    ie DSD files the zidoo shows 6 ch but it only gets to the amp as 2 ch stereo ..ie the MCH audio they still cant fix

    Plus i know i tested an atmos version of The Wall last week for another poster and Zidoo shows 8ch denon reciver only recieves 2ch stereo
    (this is for Audio only files not Atmos movies ,which work perfectly)
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2024
  10. Azrael

    Azrael Member

    were you bitstreaming?
  11. cucnz

    cucnz Active Member

    mine is on auto
    also as i said above, movie Mch such as atmos works fine ...its only audio (MP7) that still cant do MCH
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes of course - the amp is receiving multichannel PCM.

    DSD is a whole other ballgame.

    DTS wav are just a standard DTS codec in a wav wrapper.
  13. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    Thank you Markswift2003 for your excellent clarifications.
    I know that the Z9X Pro is identical to the Z20 Pro only with the difference in the HDD compartment.
    It's a very strange situation.
    OPUS and AAC with 5.1 or higher codecs embedded in video files do not work correctly, and DTS and FLAC with 5.1 or higher codecs do not work in audio and music files.
    The problem is not with the audio receiver amp as it perfectly decodes all audio codecs sent through the VLC media player.
    I have already reported the situation to Futeko, sending some files that do not work, Futeko confirms the anomaly but does not know the reason, suggesting asking these questions in this forum.
    My concern is whether this anomaly is due to a hardware problem and not a software problem, which greatly complicates the detection of the origins of this anomaly.
  14. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You're welcome to PM me some samples to see if I can make sense out of them.
  15. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    I have now done a test that demonstrates, without any doubt, that there is a problem with the OPUS, AAC and DTS audio codecs on the Zidoo Z20 Pro.
    I connected a pen drive with two movies, one with OPUS 5.1 sound and the other with AAC sound 5.1, directly into a USB port on my TV. As the TV's sound output is directly connected to the A/V receiver, via the HMDI arc port, the sound was perfect. I then connected the same pen drive to a USB port on the Zidoo Z20 Pro and the sound from the central channel is not audible, as previously mentioned. The same happens with 5.1 audio files with the DTS codec. Therefore, the problem is not with my A/V receiver, which decodes these codecs perfectly, but with the Z20 Pro device.
  16. futeko.com

    futeko.com Active Member

    If you've not done this already, what happens if do the same test but with the Zidoo connected by HDMI direct to the AVR?
  17. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Member

    Can you upload some samples of these movies so others can check?
  18. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    How to send the samples?
  19. Unclejoshc

    Unclejoshc Member

    You can upload them to Mega or Wetransfer or other file sharing site and either post the links or PM them. Also what movies are you using?
  20. Luis Silva

    Luis Silva Member

    O formato do arquivo de vídeo é MKV

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