Optimal Poster/Fanart Resolution Size

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Jordan Walker, Dec 10, 2022.

  1. Jordan Walker

    Jordan Walker Member

    I couldn’t find any information on this, but I was wondering if there was a maximum and/or optimal resolution for local poster and fanart?

    I have posters that are 1000x1500px but also some that are 2000x3000px. I have fanart that is 1920x1080px but also 3840x2160px. Just wondering if the higher resolution slows down loading and navigating in the poster wall or info screens. Has another tested higher and lower res art to see if it makes a difference? I want everything to look good, but I also don’t want to sacrifice a smooth experience because of it.
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The GUI is 1920x1080 so native fanart would be the same.

    Posters are 504x759 on the details page which is the largest they show in the interface so there's no reason to go any bigger.

    When HT saves local art size varies, so fanart can be from say 1920x1080 to 3840x2160 and posters anything from say 1000x1500 to 2000x3000 depending on the source.

    I use local art generated by HT with sizes above and have never had an issue with performance - images are cached locally in the size they're needed for the posterwall so original size doesn't seem to matter.
    Jordan Walker likes this.
  3. Jordan Walker

    Jordan Walker Member

    Thanks Mark! I appreciate the info, that’s very helpful. Do you think any of the higher res images make a difference in quality? Would it be beneficial at all to size down the posters natively? I would think the higher res versions would look better but maybe could also cause downscaling artifacts. I didn’t realize the details page was only 504x759. Most of my posters are 2000x3000.
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Since the maximum poster size in the GUI is 504x759 there is nothing to be gained by anything any bigger, but as I say, I just leave what the Zidoo spits out - usually 2000x3000 or thereabouts and I think it's worth leaving at that because you never know, one day we might get a 4K GUI.

    To be honest I tend to watch movies, not posters ;)
    rozel likes this.
  5. Jordan Walker

    Jordan Walker Member

    Haha for sure! I’m in the process of adding hundreds of titles to a brand new UHD3000 so I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right from the start, and don’t want to delete/re-add things in the future if I found out there was a more efficient way. Thanks again for your help!

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