One key root(release root tool)

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by spring, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. siantic

    siantic New Member

    Hi PacoRabanne, which post i should read in the FAQ section?
  2. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Are you kidding? :confused:
    Or are you reading FAQ in Zidoo portal? :D
    In this case I mean FAQ in this forum, it's a sticky an locked post in the first page of this forum.

    OK, I add relevant link in my signature ;)
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
  3. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    There are a few Google Store DRM'd media content player or game apps that simply refuse to run on rooted devices. Google and most OEMs don't provide rooted factory images and leave the chore of rooting their gear up to third party software developers and individual end users. "Unrooting" one of those boxes usually means "restoring" a large OEM factory recovery .img file that simply overwrites and replaces the entire contents of the system partition and any end user's or third party modifications that it might have contained. OEMs and end users usually prefer smaller, incremental .zip file OTA updates that can be more readily downloaded and installed

    The problem with "unrooting" and applying those incremenatal OTA updates isn't limited to simply undoing the current file system read/write permission settings. Once an end user uninstalls/deletes/modifies/ or replaces binaries or configuration files on the rooted device's system partition, it becomes unsafe or impractical to perform an OTA online update with patches or files intended for the original standard "factory" system partition/files. The Zidoo FAQ regarding rooting the X6 explains that, if you encounter problems in the process of using a rooted device, you must unroot [i.e. flash the X6 with Zidoo's .img system file], "otherwise, we will not deal it." On Android versions 4 and lower the hash of each targeted file was checked first and the incremental update was aborted if any mismatches were discovered. Starting with Android version 5 Google and most OEM's only check the hash of the system partition itself and abort the update if a mismatch is detected.
    moreaki and siantic like this.
  4. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    I think the original red letter declaration here: indicates that they have no intention of guaranteeing OTA updates will be compatible with end user rooted systems and that you must deal with the chore of unroofing your box, if you encounter any difficulties running it rooted.
  5. siantic

    siantic New Member

    Hi Harlan, thanks for the explanation! :)
  6. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    Not working anymore on 1.0.35 firmware
  7. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    You mean that "One Key Root" doesn't work on 1.0.35 FW?
    Do you know if upgrading a already rooted 1.0.34 FW to 1.0.35 remove root access?
    In case is "yes" do you know if app that check root access and does't work o refuse to work if device is rooted, finally works?

    A lot of italian X6 users complaint about apps that don't work on rooted device, but also on "de rooted" X6...

    Thanks in advance!
  8. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    Nothing related to root works on 1.0.35. I flashed 1.0.35, used root tool to unlock root access. It said all is ok and rebooted device.

    Now root tool says device is already rooted. But superSu does not work and I have no root access.

    Also 1.0.35 is a piece of shit, do not install it. Impossible to root and there is no navbar at screen bottom when you swipe mouse. So you can't display recent apps or even adjust volume. Also you can't power off device without remote
  9. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    OK, thanks, waiting for Zidoo developer response...
  10. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    I'm afraid you will be waiting very, very long.

    P.S. if anybody know how to downgrade to 1.0.34, please let me know
  11. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    Yes, I commented about the missing navbar right after updating my box yesterday, and wasted several hours afterward trying various root exploits in order to remove the line in the build.prop file where the folks at Zidoo had deliberately disabled it.

    They might as well autostart ZDMC and set it to power-down on exit - and remove Google Play services entirely. You'll obviously need hardware or software navigation keys to run the majority of the apps downloaded from there. After all, they're designed for smart Android devices, not dumbed-down Kodi TV appliances.
  12. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    So, do you think they are so stupid and they disabled navbar intentionally? But not mentioned in changelog. Also, many users (including myself) will be exasperated with root issue.
  13. PacoRabanne

    PacoRabanne Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Xoxi Xiola, seems that your skill in modding OTA files may change last ota (1.0.35) to be natively rooted (should be possible adding SuperSU and BusyBox in the right places), with reenabled missing navbar and "upgradable" also on already flashed 1.0.35 original version.
    It's a pity that nobody on Freaktab is modding something directly for X6, currently some are leeching Zidoo FW best part to improve other RK powered devices............
  14. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    I was planning on looking into that. I don't understand what the Zidoo folks are doing (and sometimes it looks like they don't either). At some point they decided to "change horses in midstream" and released one pair of .30 rooted/unrooted OTA FW updates, without an adequate explanation. Then for some reason they stopped doing that.

    My X6 was already rooted when I unboxed it. It was running the .27 FW release. I never touched any of the system files and I assumed the OTA updates were designed for "unmodified," but nonetheless rooted boxes, like mine. And furthermore that it would safe to apply the updates. I just assumed they had properly unrooted the system when everyone here started complaining about their sudden loss of root priveleges and Zidoo support responded by releasing the Onekeyroot.apk. I didn't need to run my box rooted, so I didn't start poking around "under the hood, until yesterday after the .35 update.

    Several users here, who run rooted boxes, have reported that they have installed the .34 OTA update without losing root. Since it contained boot, trust, and uboot partition images, those files must have been unlocked and rooted, but lacking a proper setuid su binary in the incremental system partition folder portion of the update. That's probably why some DRM'd apps are still reporting that the X6 appears to be rooted, despite the fact that the $ end lusers and the non-system portions of the SuperSU management app have no means of obtaining any root account or group # priveleges that are needed to remount the system partition in read write mode and make the necessary changes.
  15. Xoxi Xiola

    Xoxi Xiola Member

    Yes, it could be possible to include supersu. However, I have no idea what exactly they messed and why their "root tool" stopped working. I noticed su binary is there after root procedure, but not working.

    Other thing, I have no idea if their ota zips aren't signed somehow, if so - recovery will refuse to flash any zip modified by hand. First step is to try downgrade as I described and see what happens.

    As I can see looking into zip content, ota is not incremental, just dumb solution and replace entire system. File by file, not even .img based (img based upgrade is actually preferred on for Lollipop and newer)
  16. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    Re: "Do you know if upgrading a already rooted 1.0.34 FW to 1.0.35 remove root access?" Yes, it definitely would. Furthermore, I suspect that .34 had an unlocked and rooted boot image. Otherwise, users like grummel2005, wouldn't have reported that they still had root after applying the OTA update. It only contained one boot.img file and we were all running it.
  17. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    I can only guess how this build was generated and released, but there is a line in the system/build.prop file, i.e. "qmenu.hw.mainkeys=1", that's used by OEMs to remove the navbar - and you'll have to root .35 to get it back (delete the line or set to =0 and reboot).
  18. Harlan

    Harlan Active Member

    With regard to hacking SHA-1 hashed files and manifests in zip files, it might be easier to fix Onekeyroot.apk (which is also a zip file after all. It chain loads a SuperSU apk/zipped payload. If you change the filename extension and browse the contents, you'll discover that it has an old Chainfire su binary, daemonsu, and templated scripts + the whole Chainfire 5mb SuperSU.apk. Even when that version "worked", the binary needed to be immediately uninstalled and updated before you had root. The current zip for use in custom ROMs is available for free and discussed here:
  19. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    Hi Guys!

    Not realy related to the x6 but to the OneKeyRoot apk in General:

    I have been using OneKeyRoot on my x10 and x20 sucessfully for quite some time. After upgrading the x20 to FW 1.7.8beta Rooting doese not work anymore as OneKeyRoot seems to be incompatible with Android 7.1.

    Does anybody know an alternative that works on the Zidoo Players with Android 7+?

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