NO Firmware Updates

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X9S' started by Johnwoto, Oct 6, 2021.

  1. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member


    So we have seen firmware updates for the newer models but unfortunately I think Zidoo have forgotten about the X9s
  2. McBluna

    McBluna Well-Known Member

    X9S has been released 5 years ago. I wouldn't bet that a new firmware will be released.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I've been told there will be an update to HT for the 1295 models, but no idea when.
    zarathoestra likes this.
  4. icsi

    icsi New Member

    • You can still buy them
    • There are problems with recent updates
    • It was not cheap
    • +1. if they want to sell their more pricy stuff, they better fix all their product in their line, and listen to their customers!
    Placebo likes this.
  5. Ekul

    Ekul Active Member

    I think version 21.28 is all we can expect. There is nothing more to pull put of this chipset.
    Whatever firmware they release i will not use it, because i know its not getting better.
    HT upgrades i download from MCBluna fantastic website.

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