Zidoo released a new firmware for their model Zidoo UHD2000 https://www.mcbluna.net/wp/zidoo/zidoo-uhd2000-firmware-v2-3-32/
Installed it. Works the same as on Z9S just has an updated HT3. Also all the same warnings regarding using Google Services do apply here.
I have an issue with the USB ports not finding my 2.5 USB3 HDD (powered by USB) most of the time. Need several tries to get it going on any of the USB2/3 ports. The chance it is found at power-up is very low. That same HDD used with my Z9S and the same FW 2.3.32 work always directly either at power-on or plug-in. A review of UHD2000 will follow soon (may be a Chinese soon).
Any comments on pic and sound quality? I remember jumping in right away last time and had to go back to 2.3.10 because of audio drop outs and decrease pic quality....
As far as I saw thus far it is the same on both Z9S and UHD2000 with stable sound and picture. Seamless branching seems to be solved except for 3D (maybe even worse than before?). For me the best FW thus far.
But it is available from the official site for download. https://www.zidoo.tv/Support/downloadList/target/+S1T99[ld]Q8MRKKmVViAFMcQ==.html
The release notes for v2.3.23 did mention Roon, but I can't see this in the v2.3.32 release notes. Is anyone able to confirm if v2.3.32 can act as a Roon endpoint?
4. Adapt Spotify computer terminal push machine playback function (test) 5. Adapt to Roon computer terminal push machine playback function (test) Both said (test) so it could be a one time only inclusion? Why don't you try it yourself? I am not familiar with these. Zidoo testing for services to come with Zidoo X maybe?
I have to admit that this current firmware make the UHD2000 the king of Media players at this moment. The pic quality is perfect, sound quality is perfect, and they finally addressed the seamless branching issue. At this point, no one in their right mind will buy the Zappiti Pro over the Zidoo... Zidoo won this round.
Have still a list of things to be addressed. Don't worry. But yes I like this FW too. Any comments on my review?
Will head over there soon... I have been following the past few posts (which I agree with), but have not been able to post much. My 3yr old takes all the time she needs these days which is a blessing...