New firmware v2.0.34 beta version for ZIDOO X10 release

Discussion in 'X10 Official Firmware Releases' started by mirror, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. andys

    andys Member

    1)I can see directly on the TV, I do not need zidoo
    2)every film I have to do this job, I do not have only 1 ... but terabyt
  2. razvan.toth

    razvan.toth Member

    I post with some problems that Zidoo should take care of them:

    1. the mount and unmounting problem. The external drives on Usb are all working/powered when I detached them even If first I unmount them.

    2. Regarding the external drives, they should also improve the detecting procedure. I had many external HDD's most of them are 4TB and till it is recognized it takes a lot of time and in many cases I must reboot the device to recognize them. It is not ok, it's a very important feature of the box, I can say a basic one, to be able to play from external HDD without having this problem. I encountered this problem also with 2TB so I dont think that is a capacity problem, and also with different manufacturers. I've tested all my drives and they are in 100% in good conditions and no errors. I will post this thing in firmware also, maybe somebody will take a look. Please fix it!!!

    3. I have the last firmware and when I try to download a subtitle (in any kind of language) I receive DOWNLOAD SUBTITLE FAILED. What is the problem??. In the last firmwares I was able to do this. But with the past 2 firmwares till present I got this error when I try to download.!!
  3. Tommy Henriksson

    Tommy Henriksson New Member

    Not a big fan of Zidoo x10 anymore, worked pretty well when I bought it for about 10 months ago, but now.. crappy updates and not working as I thought it would, no more Zidoo for me.. gonna look elsewhere for a premium brand instead..
    Blackbeen likes this.
  4. domifer

    domifer Member

    Funny, every once in a while we get this message not only here but regarding whatever product, like we care :D
    Sure, buy a premium brand man!
    videobruce and Miguel Ramos like this.
  5. Miguel Ramos

    Miguel Ramos Active Member

    I've made a factory reset to check some bugs. I've lost the HT 2.0. I thought it was I clouded in every latest firmware. Should I install again the latest firmware or just the Home Theatre 2.0?

    Many thanks in advance and regards to all members!
  6. domifer

    domifer Member

    You can install the Ht 2.0 APK by itself, no need to reinstall the firmware.
  7. domifer

    domifer Member

    After using firmware 2.0.34 for some time, I can say that I still have problemas with many movies, they stop and when I play them again they start from the beginning and I have to forward them to where it stopped. Very annoying, it doesn't happen all the time, or with all movies, but it does happen frequently enough. Algo home theater 2.0 freezes.
    On the other hand the music apk is still very bad. It takes a long time for it to start playing a song from the media center, and tere are still some decoding issues. Yesterday I tried to play an SACD music ISO file and when it finally started there was no sound and music apk force closed, I had to reboot and try again, If I set up in audio settings the SACD option to "ON" then there is no sound, if "OFF" then there is stereo sound only.
  8. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Did you read my review on Music Player 2.0?
    My experiences are different, yes it is definitely still unstable but SACD plays just fine in stereo that is.
    When SACD is OFF it comes out at 48 kHz but when set to ON it does so at 176.8 kHz . Are you sure your receiver supports this too?
    domifer likes this.
  9. domifer

    domifer Member

    I read it, but I still have those problems: Whenever I click on an MP3, FLAC, WAV file it takes ages for the app to play it, I get the "busy" icon symbol for a long time
    Regarding SACD maybe it's my ignorance: I didn't know SACD plays only stereo. I will try again, and for sure my home cinema supports these rates I have a DENON AVR-X2400H .
  10. Miguel Ramos

    Miguel Ramos Active Member

    Thanks for your help. Actually, after reinstall the latest firmware again, everything got back. I've just had to use the backup file from the HT 2.0 and all the covers and bookmarks appeared. :)
    domifer likes this.
  11. domifer

    domifer Member

    Good for you ! :)
    Miguel Ramos likes this.
  12. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    Just put on some music. Play starts here within a few seconds (that is if it works at all). There are still a lot of flaws when going through menus and starting play, but once started it just plays as it should including SACD.
  13. Miguel Ramos

    Miguel Ramos Active Member

    It would be great to be able to delete a movie (and the external subtitles associated to the respective file) directly in the HT 2.0 which is a more "friendly user" feature. I hope Zidoo considers this feature! :)
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2018
  14. videobruce

    videobruce Member

    First off, inspite of a couple of unsatisfied users, I would like to thank the coders (wherever & whomever they are) for these updates. Judging by the lists, each update seems to be substantial.
    I was about to upgrade t0 25 from 15 when I saw the 34 beta. I never installed a beat before, but after reading the v25 thread and looking at the reported 'fixes' here, I wonder if this is the better choice?

    Anyone here that installed the previous non-beta version confirm any of the listed changes?
  15. Blackbeen

    Blackbeen Member

    Absolutely not, the only improvement on this firmware is the inclusion of the tick box for default BD & DVD playback, which should be a given anyhow.
    NO improvment on BD menus, they still are 50/50 at best and NOW playback is actually studering badly, one issue that many have had but I've been previously free of.
    Also bluetooth is dropping out constantly.
    I have never owned a more buggy set top box than this it only serves as good mkv jukebox & thats about it, if I had the funds I would move onto another box as this one has been a bottomless time sieve that never vastly improves, just keeps putting out beta firmware, when was the last non-beta?
  16. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    I get that problem occasionally too. Mostly not. It takes roughly 1 minute to start then.
    Updated my findings to include this one too.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  17. Miguel Ramos

    Miguel Ramos Active Member

    I'm using a Zidoo X10 with a TW9300 projector and most of the 4K HDR mivies look great except "The Last Jedi" and "Solo", from Disney, which appear to have worst PQ that the standard bluray. Of course this has nothing to do with the firmware, but it would be great to have some feedback from you guys with this issue!
  18. Blackbeen

    Blackbeen Member

    Essentially, but too kind.
  19. Blackbeen

    Blackbeen Member

    I'd like to make note that Kino Lorber BDs (I've tired 4 to date) are among the many that will not play proper to menu, they generally just load the feature, with a fragment of the menu on screen while playback stutters away. Yet load them in my PCH C-200 with 10 year old firmware & playback is seamless, go figure...
    Plus ALL BDs Glitch play a split second of the main feature upon initial menu launch, this is so damn sloppy when the hell are they going to resolve this???
  20. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    I personally will take these small inconveniences at movie startup for granted. These are the consequences of many "auto features"; Auto resolution, auto frame-rate, adopting to non-standard resolutions, adopting to wrong or missing header information, adopting to weird combinations of audio and video tracks, looking for external subtitles, playing with and without menu's etc etc. It is virtually impossible to get all these combinations flawless and obviously there is always a player around getting it right for the one that somebody likes and that does not work flawless with Zidoo.

    I agree the latest beta FW's are more feature rich but less stable than previous ones. I hope we get a more stable firmware anywhere soon. It never will get perfect though by playing any file (which works on some other old or new player) with all potential features perfectly. There are just too many variables in many combinations that make this extremely unlikely. Next every customer has it own preferences for features and type of source material.

    To reduce potential problems and ease my selection of a preferred media player I standardized as much as possible on the formats within my collection:
    - Video: DVD, BD, 3D-BD, UHD-BD (ISO 1:1 copies where possible) with SRT subtitles when needed.
    - Audio: MP3, FLAC, SACD, DTS-CD (other formats always converted to one of these) which makes my playback easier.
    Oh yes it takes (a lot) more space doing so. Next to having the best potential source it is easy to convert (often lossless) to real discs when desired for whatever reason (and mostly) be played flawless next on standard disc players.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2018

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