My icons/widgets for Posterwall...

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by OlivierQC, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. Any hints on how to use photoshop for this? I have been getting better at it but still don't know 95% of how to use it. Thanks
  2. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    it would be great if you could make these icons again, but with the new shape. I think these icons are your best. atmos.png
    NormanC and alffi like this.
  3. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    windows paint 3d, browse for your base image then insert the other images on top.
  4. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    Here are two blank templates 600x360 to make your widgets

    Attached Files:

  5. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    Template BLANK (1).png
    alffi likes this.
  6. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

  7. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

  8. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    as long as the background is black you can just insert it between the grey lines, that gives you options. so you can use common formats like jpg or png.
    so the image does not need to be clear, but you can use clear too, both work.
  9. Nicholas Hewitt

    Nicholas Hewitt Active Member

    did blank template 2 come from a wallpaper? Do you have a link to the wallpaper? or can you post it here?
  10. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

  11. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    I found it plus there is some other black wallpapers i grabbed.. see black chalk

    Attached Files:

  12. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Hey guys

    Like the rectangle icons but think they are just a bit too big - the round ones where just a nice size - shame we don't have a an option to make the widgets smaller - going to have to make new icons now
  13. Disagree. Circles were too small and difficult to customize. Most all internet pics are square shaped. Thanks to this board I've been able to make some decent square icons for my collection. Now if we can only get OliverQC to make some new square icons it would be perfect. Is he still out there? All his links are broken.
  14. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    not saying I prefer the round ones it’s the size of the rectangle ones - would be nice if we had an option to adjust the size like the poster wall - I never had a problem making round widgets with photoshop will just have to make new rectangle ones now
  15. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    its true the best size was in the first zidoo, navigation is quicker with 7 and a half circles compared to im guessing from memory 5 rectangles on the new machines. the best option would probably be square icons, less space length wise and unlike circle no dead space.

    Attached Files:

  16. Johnwoto

    Johnwoto Active Member

    Wonder why they didn’t make the rectangles the same size as the recently added posters so they line up - It would also be nice to resise the full page not just the icons like I mentioned - I just find it’s too big
  17. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    i agree, its all about the navigation..
  18. BREY

    BREY Member

    I removed the edge from the old transparent icons (unfortunately I don’t remember the author - thanks again to him!). It now looks normal on rectangular tiles (the rim does not stick out). but still: rectangular categories are a monstrosity! I only corrected the icons that I use myself.
  19. NormanC

    NormanC Member

    Any chance you can re-upload the Icons Movie Saga?
  20. Yoyo Joker

    Yoyo Joker New Member

    here is 2 wallpapers for zidoo, i run them at 70 percent dark

    Attached Files:

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