Multiple external subtitles

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Stratos_K, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Stratos_K

    Stratos_K Member

    Hello everyone,

    I have a Z9X and I would like to know if it possible to have multiple external subtitles in a single folder along with the movie file and be able to choose between them from the subtitles menu.

    Right now I have one external subtitle that I name after the movie file. Is it possible to have more and still somehow show in the subtitle menu?
  2. muha

    muha Active Member

    Yes, even in separate folder. You donĀ“t have to name them same way, you can add the from the movie player.
  3. Stratos_K

    Stratos_K Member

    Is there a way to name them properly so from the subtitles menu it will show which language it is? Because right now it shows like ext 1 sub.
  4. Stratos_K

    Stratos_K Member

    I found how to do it. You simply have to add .language after the filename.

    But I have another question. In the quick settings I have chosen external subtitles (without choosing a specific language). The folder of the movie is like this now

    The Day After Tomorrow - 2004.mkv
    The Day After Tomorrow -
    The Day After Tomorrow -

    When I start the movie it decides to display the Greek subtitles. Why it decides on that one instead of the other? I mean since I haven't set a specific language what makes it decide to display the Greek ones over the Russian ones since both of them are external and I haven't set on a specific language to show?
  5. muha

    muha Active Member

    My guess it will pick first in line and G comes before R.
  6. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    The subtitle standard also supports using the ISO 2 or 3 letter conventions. So NL, NLD or DUT all will show Dutch as the language.

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