Moving and adding new HDD to Z9X PRO - how to sync libraries?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Sanctrum, Dec 16, 2024.

  1. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Hi, I know there is a manual how to sync one library to the another one... But all are relevant to NAS shares.
    My situation is different and I do not want to end up with the damaged library.

    Currently, I have single 2TB drive connected to external SATA port (not USB). And I have the library there.

    Now, I have bought the new 4TB drive which I plan be connected at the SAME external SATA port (not USB).

    In the meantime will copy all files from 2TB to 4TB using PC and 1:1..

    What will happen to the current library if I first reconnect 2tB from SATA to USB 3.0 via the adapter... to give the place for 4TB via SATA port?

    I need to move/transfer the library to the new 4TB drive.
    1. How can I do it? If I will have to physically disconnect the 2TB drive and the 4TB will be put in it's place... or if 2TB will be moved to USB3.0... and 4TB using SATA as 2TB was connected before?
    2. After the successful procedure I will put my old 2TB drive into USB adapter and I will reconnect it back to Z9X PRO but this time to USB3.0 port.
    Should I delete everything from that drive? At which point I will need to delete the old library point to 2TB? Is it important via which port the drive is connected to have the working old library?

    What would happen with the library if I will have two drives connected with exact the same content at both of them?

    For NAS it is simple... it just puts the library "off-line". How can I achieve the same with the drives directly connected to the box..
    Please also note that HT is set to store DB at the drive itself, so maybe some prerequisites are needed before even starting the procedure?
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2024
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Dead easy - use "Synchronise data from other source":

    1. Do not delete your old source(s) from HT!!

    2. Once the old source is disconnected and the new one set up with EXACTLY the same movies etc,
    add it as a new source but DO NOT SCAN IT (press <Return> when prompted to scan).

    3. Now select it, press <menu> and choose "Synchronise data from other source"

    4. Choose the old source and the old library will be applied to the new files

    5. Once this is done and confirmed working, you can delete the old source

    As for having the same stuff on the old disc when you plug it back in on USB, it doesn't matter because it's not defined as a Source in HT.
  3. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    So the source in HT is defined per the actual port the drive is connected?
    If I will physically disconnect 2TB drive the source will not be deleted? And I will need to set up the new source for 4TB dive using the same SATA port? And then sync?
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    At the moment the source is defined as that specific 2TB drive connected to the SATA port.

    If you disconnect the 2TB drive the Source remains in HT but shows as "unavailable"


    1. Copy all files and directories exactly as they are to the new 4TB drive - so one is a mirror of the other. I'd do this in a PC.

    2. DO NOT delete the old source from HT and ONLY connect the new 4TB newly populated drive.

    3. Add the new 4TB drive as a second source in HT but DO NOT scan when prompted.

    4. Now use "Synchronise data from other source" and the library will be transferred from the old to the new source.

    5. Confirm the library works as expected and ONLY THEN delete the old source

    As belt and braces you could also take a backup and export artwork/NFOs.
  5. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Thank you. I will do that way.

    One more question, just to have full understanding... If I will decide to reconnect the old 2TB drive but via USB... What will happen with the old library? It will be still "unavailable" or it will be active again - somehow detect the old drive is using USB now?

    Since 4TB is quite the new drive... I will store my 2TB disconnected for some time as a backup.
    I will observe how the new one is preforming and if OK then I will delete all at the old 2TB and reconnect it via USB...
  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Once the new disc is up and running, you delete the old Source so the old library is gone. Regardless, when you connect by USB, that's not defined in HT as a source so won't be seen by HT.
  7. Sanctrum

    Sanctrum Active Member

    Thank you. All went fine. Actually I have moved the files between drives using Z9X Pro, not PC.
    New 4TB was connected to SATA (in place the old 2TB), the old 2TB was moved to USB 3.0 via adapter.
    2TB source library went to "unavailable" state. I have copied all the files via File Manager. Then I have created the new source for 4TB drive and synchronized it from 2TB.
    No any errors, library is transferred and working OK.
    Then I have disconnected the old 2TB drive from USB, to store it for some time as a backup if the new 4TB drive would be somehow defective.
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Great!! :)

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