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launch playback via http commands?

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by barhoram, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. barhoram

    barhoram New Member

    Is there a way to launch media playback of a file via http commands sent to the player (outside of the moviewall)?

    I'd like to set up some demo clips that I control from my remote control system via http commands. I can do this now with an old(er) dune player, but don't see a command for this in the published http commands.

    Any idea?
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor


  3. barhoram

    barhoram New Member

    Thanks..looks like the command is this:

    GET /ZidooFileControl/openFile?path=' + path + &videoplaymode=' +[0,1]

    ip address of my box is

    but how does one specify the path to the file and does it require smb login?

    Anyone have an example of the command to play a file?
  4. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    After quickly research I see login are cached from HT/MediaCenter so try:

    GET /ZidooFileControl/getHost?path=/tmp/ramfs/mnt/&type=1005
    Will show available smb "device".

    Start Play from smb similar to
    GET /ZidooFileControl/openFile?path=%2Fdata%2Fsystem%2Fsmb%2Fip_nas%23share_name%2Ffolder_name%2Ffile_name.mkv&videoplaymode=0

    share_name, folder_name, file_name.mkv need to be uri encoded, for test I use url encode and replace %20 with +.

    To test from a web browser use replace GET with http://Zidoo_box_ip:9529/

    Enjoy Zidoo player.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2023
  5. barhoram

    barhoram New Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    File is at the shared folder Videos1


    What do I use for share name? the server is named HPSERVER...is that the share name?

    How do I use url encode??
  6. pcristi

    pcristi Active Member

    First add Videos1 to favorite on Media Center to get login cached.
    Check the "device"
    Response will similar to
    where 192.168.1.xx is ip of HPSERVER
    "type":1007 --> is not a typo mistake, as I remember 1005 change to 1007 start with FW v6.4.40.

    Try to play
    uri encoded need when share_name, folder_name, file_name contend space or special characters, like Avatar (2009).mkv --> Avatar+%282009%29.mkv

    Maybe for yours need the easy way is start play using HT remote http://Zidoo_box_ip:9528/pc/file/file_list.html and not to use Zidoo API.

    Enjoy media collection play with Zidoo player.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
  7. mirror

    mirror Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter

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