In case you haven't received it via the OTA procedure The changelog is the following: System 1. Optimize Stability of System 2. Fixed the problem that AV does not have sound output Wall poster 1. Fixed the problem of inaccurate search in the search interface 2. The child lock is closed by default 3. Set wizard to add lock switch and lock level Settings for children 4. Optimized the main interface prompt 5. Optimization when updating the device or background scan, the failed match and the cleared video will be forced to rematch 6. Optimized permission detection when adding devices Music player 1. Fixed the problem of flash back of individual music
I don't think that the DVDA is a vital option. Never listened DVDA of better quality than the good CD. SACD is better sounding anyway.
DVD-AUDIO and SACD always give the best quality. better than CD. and support of DVD-AUDIO has to be in the audiophile device
DVD -Audio is a standard of the past. I don't expect any new releases as "BD concert releases and also BD-Audio only albums" have replaced it. SACD is still alive on a limited scale.
Id say no at the moment stick with the firmware thats for your model . Unless Zidoo release firmware that suits both etc .