KODI - ZDMC - MATRIX 19.5 - NEXUS 20 - 21

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by DELUCAS, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    If you're successful please tell us because I will buy a Z9X.

    You'd think Zidoo would care enough to get 19.1 working with the native player because obviously there are enough of us out there whose purchase depends on it.
    Ich&Ich likes this.
  2. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    I bought the Z1000 pro and I assumed I would be using Kodi which I have set up on a SQL database so that all my devices can access it. But in the end I switched from Kodi to HT. Kodi is way more flexible than HT ever will or maybe even should be. But the advantage of HT is that if you don't make a lot of changes or want to play around with configuration then Kodi isn't any better than HT. Even if you do, HT has just enough configuration to be flexible but works much more efficiently than Kodi ever could. If they concentrate on sorting out the remaining bugs then I could imagine more Kodi users switching like I did.
  3. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    My main 2 responses to this are:

    Trakt and addons.
    Enet likes this.
  4. Enet

    Enet Active Member

    I don't think Zidoo are aiming for those users. I started out with the Kodi add-ons and stuff, but as my disc collection got bigger I focussed more on that. It's strange that I didn't just move over to Plex as that makes more sense for users like me. But I think I like the Zidoo player so much it finally made me see sense lol.
  5. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    Without Trakt integration it's useless to me. Even very basic players on the Shield like Nova support it.
  6. boxerfan

    boxerfan Active Member

    So sad to read this. I can only hope Zidoo can publish how to launch the native player by external apps. It is not like some trade/technology secret…
  7. boxerfan

    boxerfan Active Member

    Is there a PlayerCoreFactory XML being used in your setup? If yes, I would be very appreciative if you could PM to me or post it here. Thank you.
  8. TheFonz

    TheFonz New Member

    There is a PlayorCoreFactoryXML used in my setup, in this file XMBCWrapper is mentioned as player.
  9. Blue Stinger

    Blue Stinger Member

    And for all of you: XBMC Wrapper is the solution. Kodi 19.1 with native Zidoo Player? No problem. Buy the App to support Peter Sarkozy!
  10. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    Does it work with Matrix 19.1 on the Z9X? If it does I'll buy the Z9X right now.
  11. Blue Stinger

    Blue Stinger Member

  12. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    Well I bought one from Amazon, so hopefully I’ll be able to get it working the way I like. I have so many media boxes- next thing I need to do is buy a receiver that supports eARC and HDR10+.
  13. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    What about rooting? Doesn't XBMC Wrapper need a root to work? How to root the new models like Z9X, with Magisk?
  14. DMD

    DMD Member

    If you can confirm that Kodi 19.1 works with Z9x is very important to me, to decide Zidoo's purchase.
    Thank you very much
    Blue Stinger likes this.
  15. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    Wait- does this require root access to work? As I understand it the Z9X is all locked down.

    Does this work with Kodi 19.1 on the Z9X or doesn't it? My NAS is using a SMB share.

    I can still cancel my order.
  16. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    Yes, XBMC needed root access in the past to work. I heard you don't need root if you use local shares, but you may need the Magisk root for SMB shares.
  17. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    Now I'm confused- I have one person who says it works, and someone else who says it might not. I cancelled my order just to be safe.
  18. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    It works if you root your device, I did a little Bit or research since the other guy is not responding.

    You can do it with the Magisk 3rd party tool that can root many android devices, but it’s not 100% safe - there is a chance to brick your Zidoo. See the guide there:

  19. blondvillain

    blondvillain New Member

    How about Kodi with XBMC Wrapper and configured using PlexKodiConnect add-on for library management, would that circumvent the need to root for SMB?
  20. HDGuy

    HDGuy Active Member

    Its getting too complicated now. I just use my boxes for in-home playback, no need to run a Plex server or any of that stuff, that’s why Kodi works for me. I like having Trakt integration and the various skins and addons Kodi has to offer. I would just like the quality output the Z9X has as well.

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