KODI - ZDMC - MATRIX 19.5 - NEXUS 20 - 21

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by DELUCAS, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    Pm sent.

    Nova player finds the Zidoo internal player, but won't play the file (can't play the file error) - does actually play your end?
  2. Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh Active Member

    yeah I use IPTV Extreme Pro and I can choose external player and Zidoo player but I use the built in one as it loads faster.
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yes, you can chose "Video Player" which is the Zidoo player (DVDPlayer) or "Nova Video Player" and although Nova Player works without DV or passthrough audio as you'd expect, "Video Player" works as expected.
  4. Oldpainless

    Oldpainless Well-Known Member

    See Pm..
  5. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    I wish that they enabled it also in other apps specially Kodi. And optimized Zidoo Player for streaming like adding buffer size setting or something for better streaming experience...
  6. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    greenfish likes this.
  7. greenfish

    greenfish New Member

  8. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    What is NuPlayer package name which I can in playercorefactory.xml?
  9. Edworld

    Edworld Member

    Does the ZDMCActivity wrapper create the videocorefactory.xml file? same function as xbmcwrapper?

  10. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    I don't really understand this kind of stuff but i find xbmcwrapper in Play Store. Is it worth to purchase? Since AFR doesn't work in Kodi, I want to use Zidoo Player when streaming in Kodi. Does it work?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
  11. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

  12. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    Unfortunately it needs root to work with Z9X and others. Without root it’s buggy and very slow, not worth it.
    azon1951 likes this.
  13. Edworld

    Edworld Member

    I appreciate your input.

    Have you rooted your player using Magisk and did it make a difference?
  14. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    On the X20: i have used the XBMC Wrapper with Kodi for several years after rooting the device with OneKeyRoot. This worked perfectly fine for me
    On the UDH3000 i found no way to root the device, neither with OneKeyRoot nor with Magist and therefore could never try this with Kodi and the XBMC Wrapper. Been useing ZDMC 19.4 since then.
    azon1951 likes this.
  15. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

    No, because there is a chance of bricking and even some experienced users failed to get Magisk to work. As alread been said, unfortunately there is no native root solution available like with Onekeyroot on the X9S I had.

    I stick to ZDMC 19, it’s not the end of the world for me. In the end I only use it as graphical interface. But of course I hope for ZDMC 20 because I am not happy with HT 4.0. Kodi/ZDMC is fool proof and just works. The only downside is it’s speed on the device and I heard 20 performs better.
  16. Edworld

    Edworld Member


    From everything I have read it comes down to 2 options:

    1) Zidoo takes 30 minutes to create Kodi 20.1

    2) Wait until an enthusiast buys a Zidoo box and uses Kodi with the knowledge and will to create an APK file with the newest version of Kodi. Obviously this person would have to be comfortable rooting the player and unpacking ZDMC 19.4 to see what needs to be done.
  17. Reelyator

    Reelyator Active Member

    It would be great, if the Zidoo folks could provide an updated version of OneKeyRoot that allows rooting of RTD1619DR Players.
  18. azon1951

    azon1951 Active Member

    Last year I buy my Z9X and software updates almost every week...but now... :(
    I think updating ZDMC to v20.1 takes only less than an hour? :(
    Mariusz likes this.
  19. leonkoum

    leonkoum Active Member Beta test group

    Unfortunately, project seems to be ‘dead’…

    (..and I am NOT totally sure if the company ‘Zidoo’ is also alive..)

    Only look how many time @mirror or any stuff have post anything here in this forum or even better how often the are present…

    So we must admit that it’s time to see somewhere else..
  20. greenfish

    greenfish New Member

    Not gonna lie... I expected more from this company. There's like zero respsponse from the company on this forum regarding major issues (smb streaming) and now there's no zidoo player for kodi 20+

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