Issues that need attention NOW.

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X10' started by ursiel, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Blackbeen

    Blackbeen Member

    Yeah, there is nothing like breaking the already wonky fundamentals in favor of tweaking a bunch of trivial bells & whistles.
  2. Blackbeen

    Blackbeen Member

    Because being a fulfilled internet BB poster requires being a smug asshole with bottomless pockets & time to shell out on buggy perpetual beta hardware, if you can't take the heat...
  3. dodgetimmy

    dodgetimmy New Member

    No mention of HDMI CEC being broken? Only auto standby works.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Hdmi cec will always work then get broken then work then .......

    You just gotta accept it
    And its in all devices it breaks then works especially on updates .
    Cec is a thing that can work then breaks joys of using it .
  5. dodgetimmy

    dodgetimmy New Member

    I'm aware how annoying it can be but don't see how it's a bug any different from the rest. I resolve lots of CEC issues with the rest of my equipment no problem. Sometimes you use different cables sometimes you just need to re plug stuff in but with the Zidoo X10 it's just broken and if something doesn't work it's still a bug and it should be solved.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Google cec and the issues that hundreds or should i say thousands ......
    Have with cec equipment !
    Its all makes samsung , LG , Pioneer , Toshiba , Sony , in fact every major manufacture has a cec issue .
    It works one day then one day it dont .
    Its work in progress or should i say may work .

    Not just Zidoo that has cec issues its Every Manufacture
  7. dodgetimmy

    dodgetimmy New Member

    Believe me, there's no one who knows more about CEC issues than me. But a bug is a bug and it should be fixed. Just because it's common doesn't mean Zidoo should ignore it.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    With every firmware update it will break it then fix it !
    Then perhaps with your knowledge you can help the millions out there plagued by it every where ...........

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