Is there any way to permanently delete unused folders?

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Alan Rutlidge, Sep 2, 2023.

  1. Alan Rutlidge

    Alan Rutlidge Well-Known Member

    Context: I have a DMP-A6 currently running V1.1.80 software. I also have a 4TB SSD card installed.
    Does anybody know how to permanently delete the following folders from the SSD card? -
    • Movies
    • Pictures
    • Download
    If I remove these folders manually they just re-appear on the next power cycle.

    I've manages to get rid of ringtones, alarms, audiobooks, documents, notifications and podcasts which appear by default on the SSD when you format it inside the DMP-A6. Personally I can't see any reason for retaining any of these folders as the DMP-A6 doesn't support the display of photos (AFAIK) other than the album artwork nor can you play movies on it.

    Yes I realise the OS is Android and these are all default folders but IMHO stuff that isn't supported just clutters up an otherwise neat user interface. What are your thoughts? Perhaps someone who has a better knowledge of the product would care to chime in and explain what the functions of these apparently unused folders are actually used for.
  2. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    it is just an Android goody. No way to get rid of those.
    Alan Rutlidge likes this.

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