Ip change in sources on wall posters

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1296)' started by prasanna ariyanayagam, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. I changed my router and this changed the IP address of my nas source which effects the zidoo library. Is there a way to edit the old nas source ip without having to add new source and then scan? If I scan a new source I think I will lose my custom library and then I would have to redo again. I think.
  2. Nice Monkey

    Nice Monkey Well-Known Member Beta test group

    You should be able to backup and restore. It is meant for that.
  3. Backup and restore wont work because the ip of the source has changed. I have a modem with dchp which I reserved the nas ip of 192.169.0.**** plugged into a router with dchp off. I have a new router that is forcing all of my devices to use 192.168.3.**** even when I shut its dchp off. Is there a way to modify the movie wall to accept the new 192.168.3.****?

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