Hi All From Thailand. I am new here I just got X10 couple Days I connected x10 to Pionner AVR LX79 >HDMI ARC and then HDMI output to Sony 43x800D HDMI ARC I try to setup HDMI to auto but when I play any files 720p 1080p 4k they will show up on my 43x8000D with 1080p only also I dont understand why when I setup HDMI auto should send the contents to be direct sources they should not be only 1080p I did try to on/off auto 24p it is shown 1080/24p I try to direct with TV but it is shown up on information of TV 1080p or 1080/24p a the same .. I notice on the x1 display show 1080p and if 4k clip is HDR it is SHOW HDR as well .. but resolution is 1080p I try to select resolution it is fine but I want it setup to be AUTO coz I play many kind of resolution sources. anyone could help or explain what I should do issue on x10 .. ? or did I something wrong about setting. ? PS. FW1.4.6 all is done. sorry with my poor English.. Tony Lee
don't have 4k tv so not much direct experience, but there are problems with auto 4k switching from what i know, should have a new firmware soon, not sure if they plan to do anything about auto 4k
hello puccainbkk, Sorry for my poor english, Yes there is an issue with the auto mode, i talk about it in my thread http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/zidoo-x9s-quick-review-fw-1-4-6.5469/ Until it is resolved one day, i use the 2160p60 with the Zidoo X10/9S/8 on my tv 4K / 10bit panel , Using the 2160p60, the Zidoo will do the upscaling of videos 720 / 1080p. I made a comparison between the upscaling of the tv and the zidoo and there is no difference in my eyes. Here are my parameters and it is just my opinion, i'm not an expert: 2160p60 : it's the zidoo that will do the upscaling of videos 720/1080p, the zidoo switches to the right frequency according to the frequency of the video. 10Bit : my tv has a 10Bit panel, it converts the 8 bit to 10bit and i take advantage of beautiful degraded to the screen, i see a difference on my Sony 4k between 8bit and 10bit. AUTO : this parameters works properly, i always leave it on AUTO. see you OlivierQC
Its important for you to understand, that even though Zidoo messes up video signals all day, in your specific case is actually not that big of a problem. Auto (resolution) is NEVER meant to change the output resolution depending on the the resolution of a video you are playing. It negotiates the highest "supported" resolution with the TV; then stays at that. So in your case it should negotiate 4k. Which it doesnt. But thats not so much an issue, as you can force it by selecting it manually. Both Kodi and the Zidoo player upscale video to the resolution they get told by that sytemwide auto or 4k setting. The idea that they might output a videos native resolution is problematic because of a few things. Resolution switching would cause delays, plausible popups on your TV, potential handshake issues - whenever you start a video... To prevent that - most manufacturers actually give you resolution change option, with a 10 second window to confirm, that you see the new resolution. So its not practical to have a consumer device autoswitch based on the video resolution. As said above, with auto misbehaving in your case, you only have to set the X9S to 4k 60 and thats it. Everything will be scaled up to your TVs native resolution, and thats the intended outcome. (Your TVs scaling might be "better", but no one in the Industry (afaik) does it any different, so if your main usecase for your TV is playing content through Kodi/ZDMC - the TVs scaling capabilities simply dont factor into it - for the next time you buy a TV... )