Here is a HomeKit integration for Zidoo developed by Carlos Gamez. You can refer to the following link Thanks for Carlos Gamez!
Hi @mirror, Any chance/plans for integration with Google Home? (I already mentioned this in another thread but no reply )
Havent seen anything like that, but, maybe this is close enough? Home-Assistant Custom Component | Zidoo forum Im just now getting my hands dirty with HA, but maybe you can program some sort of automation to work with the zidoo component. I dont know enough about it yet to say if you can do that for sure.
Hi PineapplePizza, Thank you very much for your engagement on the topic! Finally someone gave an opinion. Unlike Mr @mirror - obviously it is a policy that they do not give feed back to questions which lead to no answers - not only in this tread On your suggestion - I am afraid it is a bit (even a GB ) out of my sphere of competence. As I read on the net, Home Assistant requires a dedicated HW (Raspberry PI) or a Virtual machine to be installed. I will give it a try in the weekend - will try to install it on my NAS. BUT I am not very excited of replacing a working solution using Google Home that rules all my appliances (Clima, TV, IPTV, Security Cam, Lights) except Zidoo Z1000 pro, with a new one. Thanks again.
From my understanding, Home Assistant can work with Google Home. Its not replacing it. I have it set up in a Docker on my Unraid server so that I can play around with integrations. If anything, it enhances what you can do with a smart assistant.
Hi and Happy Orthodox Easter (that is today ) Reporting: Miracles happen not only around Christmas, but around Easter too 2 weeks uneven fight with Homeassistant/HACS - result - me 8; Homeassistant 7 Installing Homeassistant in a container on my NAS was a piece of cake, but then came the hard time installing HACS, where Zidoo integration is natively available. Took me "some" time to discover that my beloved TerraMaster NAS does not have the "wget" command, but has 2 separate wget-ssl and wget-nossl; So I pulled the HACS installation script into a file, edit it replacing wget with wget-ssl, run the edited script manually from shell, and voilĂ HACS appeared as an integration in Homeassistant. Then added Zidoo integration via HACS - success (also some other custom integration - TAPO camera), and Google Home integrated to Home assistant as well. So, thanks everybody, now I have completed the Homeassistant integration and a working solution. PS - Z1000 pro
I used the HOOBS Plugin to connect Zidoo to Homekit , It does work as good as the Homebridge Plugin . For reference , i looked for the guide on the connecthomekit website. I wish i could link it for you.