[Feature Request] Support {\an8} SRT subtitle tag

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Nathan W, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. Chr0matic

    Chr0matic New Member

  2. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    I am asking for this feature again
    Zidoo - why don't you do anything about it ...
  3. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Rather than do nothing while we wait I convert to .ass takes couple of minutes in Subtitle edit
  4. Pico

    Pico New Member

    Please, we need this feature
  5. SMESH

    SMESH New Member

    came to this thread just to wonder it’s not implemented yet :D
    it's indeed a bit annoying.
  6. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    With the new audio and other models taking centre stage at the moment I doubt if this will ever be implemented especially as there are more serious issues, for some, to be addressed. If it really bugs you then simply converting the file to .ass fixes the problem. Takes a few minutes.
  7. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    This post is from 2022 and now it's 2024 and nothing has been done by Zidoo
    however this little 'Red Hen' (see old cartoon series) has solved the problem for me at least.
    I simply load the srt into Subtitle Edit and save as .ass
    My god! it takes me 20 seconds! Shouldn't have to do it but I'd rather a home made solution than no solution. Subtitle Edit also has a bulk mode.
  8. timmyp53

    timmyp53 Member

    The issue is that this would occur in internal subs too. So another step would be needed there to extract with mktoolnix(or similar program) if you dont have a external sub...

    I don't know why this isnt implemented yet because subtitles are so damn important.
    Netmask likes this.
  9. lanz

    lanz Member

    Holy sh*t! Is anybody here can confirm me that converting STR to ASS internal subtitle makes those tags working with Zidoo?
  10. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    You need to extract the srt sub from the MKV and then convert it to .ass, I use ‘Subtitle Edit’ to do the conversion to ass. Subtitle Edit has a bulk conversion mode as well. I now convert all my srt external subs to .ass as I think they just look nicer regardless if they have tags or not.
    Clearly if a srt file is within a MKV file there is no way you can convert it in situ to ass or anything else without first extracting it.
  11. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Self evident you can’t convert any file within a MKV container in situ, you must first extract then convert and if you want the converted file to be embedded with in the MKV container that then involves remuxing. For me I use external subs most of the time.
  12. ToniBas1

    ToniBas1 New Member

    Every gadget every problem
    Video audio subs are one
    Why must we convert???
    GN all of you
  13. timmyp53

    timmyp53 Member

    Bump. Zidoo team please review this problem and implement a solution.
  14. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    Forget it...

    These are dreams that Zidoo cannot fulfill
  15. timmyp53

    timmyp53 Member

    I'll keep fighting the good fight and hoping.
  16. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    “Why must we convert” ?

    Well for me I don’t want to wait till hell freezes over before Zidoo gets to it if ever. In the meantime I believe in seizing the moment and do it myself.
    Markswift2003 likes this.
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Yep - I'll take pragmatism over frustration any day of the week.
    rozel likes this.
  18. Franconian

    Franconian Active Member

  19. timmyp53

    timmyp53 Member

    Bumping with hopes this is included in firmware.
  20. Eleonor

    Eleonor Active Member

    Zidoo doesn't even think about adding it...

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