Eversolo iOS app on iPad won't connect to DMP-A8

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A8' started by newoldguy, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. bogdanozaurus

    bogdanozaurus Member

    Have you tried in another wifi network?
  2. -dAtA-TRoN-

    -dAtA-TRoN- New Member

    And how do you know how many people are affected by this?
  3. Ucan123

    Ucan123 New Member

    I have not. I will take it to my buddy’s home to see if it works in his network.

    Nevertheless, the error I get says “make sure A8 and your phone are in the same network”. Yes, both A8 and my phone are in the same network but the app does not find A8. I have several streamers (node, Marantz etc) which connect to their respective apps under the same WiFi network without an issue. To me, there is a problem which needs to be addressed by Eversolo. (Btw, I love A8 and will keep on using it even if I can’t use the control app)
  4. bogdanozaurus

    bogdanozaurus Member

    Ucan123 likes this.
  5. Ucan123

    Ucan123 New Member

    Thank you. I will let you know how it goes.
  6. Jerry Bokko

    Jerry Bokko New Member

    Have you tried making a 2nd access point on your router that only supports 2.4ghz?

    If there is something called band steering turn it off. Maybe its trying to force A8 to unsupported wi-fi mode.

    Under security protocol is the setting WPA 2/3 in my case I had to set WPA 2 only. (don't try WPA 1 or just WPA it can be cracked by a fast phone).

    I use wire so turned off wireless but when I have a problem I just have to fix it. ;-)
    Ucan123 likes this.
  7. +me

    iPad Pro 12" wouldn't detect the A8, gave up after a few attempts as I didn't need to control it from that one.
  8. Ucan123

    Ucan123 New Member

    Hi again.

    The connection problem is fixed. I had the smart connect mode on on my router. This mode uses a single SSID for both 2.4 and 5 GHz networks. I disabled this and connected to 2.4 GHz network on my iPhone. Eversolo app could connect to A8 right away.
  9. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    I use a single SSID for both 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz and haven’t had any connection issues with my A8 or the A6 before it. I use Ethernet for the A8 (WIFI turned off) and have not experienced any big issues connecting to iPhone or iPad.
  10. Clark Snyder

    Clark Snyder New Member

    Hi folks,

    I guess I failed to post the solution that works for me on my 3 Apple devices. As is suggested in this thread, dl’d a network analysis app. Once I could ping my router followed by pinging my

    A8 from each of the Apple slabs, the connectivity issues disappeared, like magic.

    Hope it helps YOU!
  11. RCM

    RCM New Member

    I had the same problem on my early 2018 9.7" iPad. For those who still haven't gotten connected, if you are using an ethernet cable on your A8, your iPad must be connected via WiFi to your router. On your iPad on the screen where you are asked to scan the code image, press the + at the top right corner to add a device. On your A8 setup menu, select network and then wired network. Enter the IP address of your router into the box that opened on your iPad when you selected add a device. Once entered, your iPad will connect to the A8.
    Clark Snyder likes this.

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