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EDID thread (RTD1619DR players)

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by Markswift2003, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. Anders

    Anders New Member

    Not sure if there is manual switch, auto switches between hdr10 and hdr10+
    I will know in a few days
    Regarding edid do I have to download them or are they preset already to go
  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    There is a BT.2020 1000nit LLDV EDID already loaded into the box, but as I say, it won't work unless you can switch the PJ manually into HDR.
  3. monacoville

    monacoville New Member

    It's the same with my Samsung Q80T. I have to switch Signal Plus off in order to get HDR10+ to work (advised by Samsung support). The lowest framerate i can get HDR10+ to work with is 50hz. Better than 60hz as the stuttering goes but it still doesn't quite look right. Unfortunately, there is no YUV420/422 10bit @24hz option on the Z10pro.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2022
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Samsung TVs can be a bit freaky in the way that they report HDR10 and HDR10+

    I have a Samsung and I rely on what the HDFury Vertex tells me and not what the Samsung is telling me. No issues with framerate though so I've no idea what's going on there.
  5. monacoville

    monacoville New Member

    I can only speak for the Samsung Q80T (2020 model). I assumed i was getting HDR 10+ when i got the Z10 PRO as an HDR10+ notification would show up from the box. This was until i saw on another forum that HDR10+ should always show up on the tv info (see vid link below). The only way i can get the Z10 PRO to show HDR10+ is to set it to auto resolution which always defaults to 60hz 4:4:4 and has a stuttery picture, or, lock it to 50hz 4:2:0 which is much better but still laggy. I'm not sure if something can be done with an EDID to allow 24HZ YUV4:2:0, or if it needs something done from the Z10 side of things. The noticeable difference in picture quality when HDR10+ kicks in is pretty staggering. It looks much better in terms of contrast and color depth.


  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not really sure what you're doing there to get those results, but stick to the recommended settings and there's no reason it shouldn't work.


    The HDR10+ flag in the EDID is simply a "1" so all the Zidoo knows is that the TV does HDR10+ or not - so if that flag is set, HDR is set correctly (generally "Auto") and the video is HDR10+, the Zidoo just spits out HDR10+. It doesn't matter what resolution or framerate you use - they have no bearing on it. If you had an HDFury device you'd see that if the Zidoo says it's putting out HDR10+, it's putting out HDR10+.

    HDR10+ is exactly the same video information as HDR10 (it's literally the same video stream!) just with an addition layer of metadata and if that metadata is there and the TV supports it, it'll use it. I'm a bit surprised to read "The noticeable difference in picture quality when HDR10+ kicks in is pretty staggering. It looks much better in terms of contrast and color depth" because as I say, it's exactly the same video stream as HDR10. The difference is only subtle as the metadata changes scene to scene.

    The only thing I can think of is that you're using an AV receiver that either doesn't support HDR10+ (but in that case the receiver's EDID would reflect that) or the receiver is somehow mangling the EDID (that can happen if the TV EDID is already pretty "full" - usually not the case with Samsung though), but again, HDR10+ is not dependent on resolution or framerate so I can't see how that would happen either...

    I still think it's likely that the Samsung is reporting incorrectly - as I say, Samsungs will do that on occasion.

    24HZ YUV4:2:0 is not a valid HDMI mode so no amount of fiddling will do that.
  7. monacoville

    monacoville New Member

    I did wonder if it was my Soundbar was messing things up, but i've tried going direct to the tv (including trying the gaming port) and it does the same. I'll double-check the settings on the link you've provided and see if I've missed something.
  8. sagitarius

    sagitarius New Member

    My TV is LG OLED55CX3LA, connected to Denon AVR2700H and Z9X. Do I need some custom EDID? I think the picture is a bit dark, no matter if it is HDR10 or DV. What are the best settings in my case?
  9. Anthony C.

    Anthony C. Member

    I recently got a Z9X to replace a Shield Pro so I could finally take advantage of my Samsung 75” Q90R TV’s HDR+. My idea was to get a HDFury device so I could split the audio and video since my AVR (Denon 3500H) only supports Dolby Vision and HDR10 and direct connect the Z9X to the TV (or depending on HDFury model send all video through it and out to the TV bypassing the AVR). Then I found this thread!

    My initial thoughts were that the Z9X, in this setup, would be able to convert LLDV to HDR10+, but I no longer think that’s the case. After finding this thread I thought maybe using a custom EDID might allow for this to happen without needing a HDFury, but I think I’m wrong there as well. I don’t think an EDID fooling the AVR to think it’s a DV signal is going to get me anywhere, but maybe I’m wrong? I was going to try the Samsung EDID in the settings, but worried I might make it so I can’t access the Z9X if it goes south. :)

    Can someone set me straight about this?

    thanks in advance

    Note: I had the TV ISF calibrated around 6 months after purchase and still have that data floating around. Don’t know if it’s useful for creating an EDID.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  10. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    Hi @Anthony C. - welcome to the forum.

    My setup has benefitted very much from the Vertex2 - I'm no expert so a little input from Sir @Markswift2003 won't be long off. But he sorted me out yonks ago before the Zidoo's did custom EDIDs but he's the master and will sort you very quickly
    Anthony C. likes this.
  11. Anthony C.

    Anthony C. Member

    Thanks for the welcome and reply! I'll wait patiently... ;)

    Edit: Starting to think a Vertex2 or Vrroom may be the best option cause I didn’t realize I might be able to get my ATV4K spoofed to do LLDV to my Q90R as well as the Z9X. That would be the best of both worlds and obviously getting off topic. I’ll see what Mark says as he seems to be in pretty every forum on the topic(s)!
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Sorry - what was the question??
  13. Anthony C.

    Anthony C. Member

    Yeah sorry. I can get long winded. I’m just trying to get the best PQ I can from the Z9X to my Q90R which is currently going though my Denon AVR. My initial plan was to get a HDFury device so I could split the audio/video but maintain all the data and figured the Z9X would handle the rest.

    After finding this thread I thought I could avoid the expense of a HDFury, if I’m reading this right, and still benefit from DV metadata while still going through the AVR. Is that correct and safe with one of the supplied EDID’s?

    Or would I still be better off with a HDFury which I could also send my ATV4K through to do something similar?

  14. Anthony C.

    Anthony C. Member

    Decided to try the supplied EDID’s and they all borked things up. Could be how things are currently connected and/or my lack of complete understanding here.
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Unfortunately although you can load an LLDV EDID and convince the Zidoo to output LLDV, what you can't do is to send a dummy HDR message alongside the LLDV signal to get the TV to switch into its HDR mode.

    That's what this hack relies upon - sending LLDV in BT.2020 which is effectively the same signal as HDR10 and then convincing the TV to switch into HDR mode.

    Samsungs (as far as I am aware) do not have to ability to be manually switched into HDR so in this case you need an HDFury Vertex 2 or similar to send a custom HDR message alongside when it detects an LLDV signal and in that case you might as well use the HDFury device to send the LLDV EDID too.

    As you say, having an HDFury device would also mean you can apply the same trick to other sources too - Apple TV, Nvidia Shield, UHD BluRay player etc...
    Anthony C. likes this.
  16. vddan

    vddan Active Member

    To continue this conversation, is a Samsung, if we put the Zidoo on all VS10 'instead of LLDV and that of course we are sindling in BT.2020 ....... -What the same picture quality?
  17. vddan

    vddan Active Member

    I hope you will understand because the translation of my message above is not perfect!
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Personally I find the LLDV image slightly better than HDR10, but it's a matter of taste.

    I use a Samsung with an HDFury Vertex 2 and have the Zidoo sending LLDV permanently and I'm very pleased with the picture.
  19. vddan

    vddan Active Member

    Thank you ........ but have you tested in 'all VS10'?
    And if so the difference is worth the purchase of a hddafury (400 €)?
  20. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member


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