DMP-A6 Tidal Atmos via HDMI

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by Bkido, May 23, 2023.

  1. Marvin

    Marvin New Member

    Just got my A6ME yesterday, still burning in. Even tho Atmos is not a must to me, but I would think it's still good to have for users that have Atmos setup (I personally do have a 7.2.4 full surround) to enjoy what some of the tracks were recorded and intended.

    That would be great if bitstream passthrough can be added/allowed through fw. Nothing hurt to have more options.
    stevenskl and Miki222 like this.
  2. bien

    bien New Member

    I completely agree.
    highly from Dolby Atmos
    stevenskl and Miki222 like this.
  3. Screamie

    Screamie New Member

    Bitstream Passtrough would be the killer feature on the A6. There is almost no streamer which is able to passthrough Atmos from Amazon or Tidal. Dolby Atmos Music is the future and sounds incredible! I use a fire stick in my 7.2.6 home theater and the new releases in Atmos blow me away. Sadly a small 50 bucks stick is the only capable solution.
    stevenskl likes this.
  4. Bergholdt

    Bergholdt Well-Known Member

    Apple TV does Atmos with Apple Music and Tidal (not sure about Amazon as it is not available in Denmark)
  5. Screamie

    Screamie New Member

    Yes you are right. But like the Fire Stick the Apple Tv is not a true music streamer, because it needs a TV to be used.
    stevenskl likes this.
  6. tolstoi007

    tolstoi007 New Member

    Hello! I'm from Chile and new to the forum, sorry if I revived an old topic. I was thinking about purchasing this device but my interest is to have a streaming device that plays Dolby Atmos so I can connect it to my denon ( x6700h). Unfortunately, so far I have not been able to find one, and it seems incredible to me that a simple 4k fire stick can do the job with TIDAL. (the Dolby Atmos music available sounds incredible on my 7.1.6 system) Could someone recommend a streaming device, apart from the 4k firestick, which I can purchase? Thank you so much! I apologize in advance for the translation I write here
  7. stevenskl

    stevenskl New Member

    To me it´s pretty obvious that we will get more 3D music in the future. There is also a new format, Auro CX. I wished that Zidoo would bring out a streamer that supports all those 3D formats. I don´t even need an internal DAC or analog outputs. I hate to be "forced" to use a Fire TV stick/cube or similar devices, because they all need a TV.
  8. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    Is it some sort of public-domain format? I do not see fit, NOW, to embark on a nerw format that:
    1. is not well known to the masses
    2. is not known to bring in some value-for-the-price
    3. it might not be royalty free to implement
    4. might require specifc additional hardware to fully enjoiy

    We have two ears. There is already enough magic that can be done with stereo enhancements to give you the idea you have speakers at your back when you don´t... Isn't it - to you also, not just me - that there is a herd of thinkerers wannabees to invent The Next Audio Experience...?!? I personally hate the thing. Maybe I'm not that young and open-minded any more (just know-almost-all kind of guy...) but I hate this. MQA being the latest attempt from a major company (and it - thanks to science and knowledgeable people - failed miserably).

    I may sound old, I know, but 24bit @ 48kHz is more than enough for our ears to enjoy something miles ahead of scratchy and popping vinyl. Ain't it?!?
  9. stevenskl

    stevenskl New Member

    You mean Auro CX? I can´t answer 1-4, but if there is a new format, I want to be able to use it. Then I can tell, wether I like it or not.
    But I know that I like surround music. I have several 5.1 recordings (Steely Dan for example) , which I really love.
    Some day in the - near future, as soon as I have a new AVR - I want to try Atmos music. And I´d prefer some nice Zidoo device to those Fire TV sticks.
  10. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    It has nothing to do with containers. FLAC can do easily 7.1.6. Many other formats (container formats, that is...) cannot, or ar limited to far less channels. TTYTT in 2024 we do not need another fancy container, as we didn't need another fancy encoder by the name of MQA... got me...?
  11. stevenskl

    stevenskl New Member

    Got you. So where can I get 7.1.4 FLAC and with which Zidoo player can I listen to it?
  12. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    This is none of my business... the point is not "search for suitable media to test", but "does it work with my media" thing.
    If you own some media with such channel number and geomwtry you could test it straight away.
  13. stevenskl

    stevenskl New Member

    I get your point, but since I don´t know, where to find 7.1.4 FLAC (and don´t even know, if those exist) and at the same time I do know that there is Atmos music (and Auro CX in the future) I need a device that can play Atmos now and maybe Auro CX in the future.
  14. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    The A6 cannot play any of those. It could, eventually, route everything out of the HDMI port for you to connect an AVR and listen through it. The A6 itself is "just" a stereo (2 channel) device.
  15. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    hi we know it cannot play / route atmos.
    we had that some months ago. as i was starting my a6 journey as a complete amateur in music streaming devices i was of course without any doubt 100% sure that a brand new device only for streaming music - with hdmi output - for 900 - can of course work with my tidal atmos files.
    i asked around and if I'm not completeyy wrong there was some kind of semi official answer (from you?) that it will never be availble on the a6, never.

    so if this is correct someone should post that here as fixed first post because there will be other and google brings you here....
    Screamie likes this.

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