Dim or Turn Off Knob Light During Standby

Discussion in 'Eversolo DMP-A6' started by ammar11, Jul 23, 2023.

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  1. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    Hi @mirror , @Spring , @bob ,

    Creating a new thread for this because it’s really important for me and I think it’s easily done via firmware (I hope).

    My hifi setup is also in my home theatre, when I’m listening to music via the DMP-A6 I have the room lights on so all is good no issues there.

    But when I’m watching a movie (mostly with the Z9X), I turn off all lights in the room so it’s pitch dark. Many manufacturers understand this issue including Denon and obviously Zidoo so they provide an option to turn off the display. Even TVs now turn off the power indicator light, although I have to put a tinted sticker minimise the power indicator light on the Denon.

    The issue is, while the A6 in standby, the knob light doesn’t turn off, just dimmed. Unfortunately the dimming is still too bright while I’m watching a movie and a little distracting (my A6 is on the top shelf of the rack for best view of the beaufiful display while listening to music so it’s very close to the TV).


    So my humble request is, to have an option to turn off the light on the knob while in standby. I’m aware that then there’s no indicator that it’s on standby (personally I don’t mind cause it’ll always be on standby), so maybe an option to make it even dimmer?

    Because of this I’m also holding back on buying the remote, because right now I have to manually use the power switch in the back anyway to turn off the knob light.

    Thank you for your kind consideration.

    PS: Different people has different preferences with their setup, so this may not be beneficial to you hence I’m not going to debate if my request is valid or not. I’m asking for user controlled option so you can still have it as it is now. I’ll leave it to the Zidoo developsrs to decide.
    pippo pluto and Trebz like this.
  2. Desmodromic

    Desmodromic Member

    There's already an option to turn off the light round the knob: settings/display/knob brightness. I have mine set to off all the time.
  3. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    Sorry but nope, please read my post or at least the title. I meant during standby. That setting only works while the A6 is turned on, when in standby the light on the knob will come back, even dimmed it’s still intrusive in a dark room.
  4. Desmodromic

    Desmodromic Member

    If it's in standby you're not using it, so just switch it off?
  5. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    You’re not understanding my point. Please don’t bother.
  6. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    As mentioned I’m not interested to debate this, especially if you don’t understand what I’m talking about. If the Zidoo devs don’t think it’s a reasonable request then I’ll respect that.

    I wish I can lock this thread.
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I can lock if you want
    ammar11 likes this.
  8. Bonzo

    Bonzo Active Member

    I totally get what you want and why you want it.

    I actually commend Eversolo for making the standby light so very dim. Its a lot better than most other companies dim lights. Its standby setting is even lower than the lowest 1% setting you can put it on while its running. So they already gave this some thought for sure.

    I'm not familiar with the newest Denons, but mine are red while in standby, and its a ring. The red ring is easily more noticable than the A6 knob. And when the Denon is running, its bright green. There is no way to turn off the power button. You can turn off the screen, but the power button is always on, full blast. We can't watch a bluray movie without the bright green processor power light on.

    So, I completely understand what you want and why you want it. But I have found many people have completely different thoughts on this topic. Some people with McIntosh actually love all those obnoxious bright blue lights on while watching a movie. I think maybe it helps stroke their egos about having $50k worth of equipment in their room. Some people like you and I would prefer an all off option. But many many others (the majority it seems), just do not care.

    I think your ask could be doable via firmware. But since they have already put some thought into it, I'm not sure it would be high on their list of fixes at the moment. Surely you can understand that to more people right now, getting the promised features of the unit running properly now is the highest priority.

    As for the A6, this unit is a bit of a jack of all trades. Its meant to be a music streamer, with other goodies added on for good measure. Just look at how many people are already looking for it to make toast and wash their dishes. But generally it can go in a rack, or be a desk top solution. This presents a lot of different needs for people all at the same time.

    I would like to propose to Eversolo, that if they can adjust this on the A6, then great. But if they can't, then please make sure its implemented on the full rack width A8, a device that will serve folks in their main rack. A rack where lights completely off is a must, and even having a volume knob is not required (most will have a processor for that). Thanks.
  9. Bonzo

    Bonzo Active Member

    As for a possible work around, have you tried this? How about having the A6 turned ON while you are watching a movie? Go into settings and set the volume knob brightness to 0, and set the screen saver to off. This way, the knob will be off and after 5 minutes of ON time, the screen will go dark. The only question I have then is whether the LCD glow will be there or not? In my car, in "off" mode, the LCD backlight turns off completely, which is great for nighttime driving. Perhaps you could check this out.
  10. Bonzo

    Bonzo Active Member

    Okay, I just tried it myself. It's daytime here so hard to be sure 100%, but it appears to me both the knob and screen are 100% off. So while not super convenient, this is a work around to your issue.

    Now, if there is a quicker button push way to get it to go into screen saver mode without waiting 5 minutes, that might be the ticket.

    On that note, for example, there is a quick button on the screen that turns on the meters. But there is no such button that I can find on the app to do the same. Kinda frustrating. But hopefully this is the stuff that will get worked out.
  11. JRicoC

    JRicoC New Member

    I'm in the same camp as the O.P. I wish there was a way to completely turn off the knob light. I would even go for an option to disconnect a header from a board ...
    ammar11 likes this.
  12. wcseow

    wcseow Member

    When the power button is pressed, there is a turn off screen option. In case you are not aware.

    With the Logitech Harmony is used, it is a one button press to turn off screen. That's the one I use.
    Bonzo likes this.
  13. Bonzo

    Bonzo Active Member

    Well yeah, saw that but haven't tried it yet. Thanks for the reminder.

    So yeah, the current work around (albeit not clean) is to have the knob light set to zero and turn the screen off, with the A6 powered ON.
  14. ammar11

    ammar11 Well-Known Member

    Yes please, thanks Mark!
  15. Bonzo

    Bonzo Active Member

    May I ask why?
    Audionut likes this.
  16. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Locked as requested.

    (And I fully understand why)
    ammar11 likes this.
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