Can't find a way to show clock on stand by for Z1000 PRO

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1296)' started by Ekstravertas, Dec 25, 2020.

  1. Ekstravertas

    Ekstravertas New Member


    I have spent two hours going through settings, trying to make my Z1000 PRO show clock constantly, even then it is on stand by. Read somewhere that I have to turn off "Deep Sleep Mode" under Android developer menu. I looked in to developer menu, but there is no such option. Fimware
    Is there a way to make my Zidoo display clock all the time? Or should I simply never turn it off, thus increasing my electricity bill?
    Thank You for the help.

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    I can think of a lot more power hungry devices left in standby that use more power than a Zidoo left on .
  3. Ekstravertas

    Ekstravertas New Member

    But Zidoo has to be not in stand by but fully on. Right? This is the main issue to me, that on stand by (red light) there is no clock displayed. If Zidoo is fully on (blue light), I can see clock. So the only way is to leave it always on?

    DELUCAS Well-Known Member

    Correct it does not use much power left on !

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