Chat can't change the data of my movies from eng to the data that on my local NFO fils (that on my HDD)

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by matin, May 23, 2022.

  1. matin

    matin New Member

    When i uploaded my movies to zidoo in the first time, by mistake i use the scraper of zidoo, and that gave all the movies an english names and english data, and not my native language that i have in my local NFO.

    * [all my movies are in a diffrent folders with the movies file and NFO file together in the same folder.
    (the nfo got the data on the movie in my language. foreign, not english)].

    i try to fix it - changed the setting when adding my HDD source -intelligent and priority, for it to read my nfo files
    but it only work if i add new movies that i didnt add them to zidoo before- then i will see
    the data from my local nfo,
    But if i try to add movies that i already had on zidoo, then it will ignore my local nfo and will show them in english.

    I did a factory rebot to zidoo and then i add my movies again to zidoo and it will show them in english and wont read the NFO files .
    its still show movies that i had on zidoo before in english, and he wont read the nfo files from my local hdd. and again that only hapeend with movies i scrapt to zidoo before with zidoo scraper.

    HOW can i delete all the data of the movies that i upload to zidoo before, and make him read the nfo files and not use the data he havd already of the movies.
    and how can i make zidoo read my local NFO files from my HDD, and NOT let zidoo use data in english that he gave the movies in the past.

  2. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    A full factory reset will wipe absolutely everything.

    A less destructive thing to try is to reset HT4. This will also clear all HT4 data.

    Go to:

    HT4/Settings/Library/Clear Data/"Clear"

    Then before you rescan make sure that NFO Precedence is set in settings:

    HT4/Settings/Preferences/NFO Parse/"Prioritise pasrsing of NFO Files"
  3. matin

    matin New Member

    Thanks for the respond.
    I tried it, clearing the HT4 and also the factory reset.
    I'm using HomeGroup network to connect my pc to zidoo, so maybe the data saved in HomeGroup somewhere?
    but i can't find it.
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    No - the database is held on the device and as I say, when you either do a factory reset or reset HT4, the database is wiped clean.

    I think it must be your NFOs are not compliant - can you post one of you NFOs here and I can see if it's ok.
  5. matin

    matin New Member

    the site wont let me upload the files as a NFO files, so i change the files format to txt.

    Attached Files:

  6. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Cool - I'll check this evening...
  7. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ok - those NFOs do not seem to be compliant.

    I loaded the Hebrew text into one of my own NFOs and this is the result - I assume this is correct?


    Attached is a copy of the NFO I used above so you can see the format - I've replaced the file locations to be the same as yours, so it should work for you.

    Attached Files:

  8. matin

    matin New Member

    You are right its about the NFO,
    I just notice that all my nfo files (900 overall) has modified 4 days ago in the same hour and the same minute, all of them.

    And i remember that i played on zidoo with the option of: setting- library- "export data to nfo files"
    i thought it will create a new nfo on zidoo, but maybe he wrote on my local nfo files, and change something in them.
    I can't find the changes, the nfo looks the same
  9. matin

    matin New Member

    Just notice now your respond, yes that how it should be, so i will change all my nfo files,
    thanks for the help.

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