Cannot select 4k @ 60hz

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by SSThing, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not quite sure what's going on here - a damp piece of string could pass a 300MHz signal so although the original signal loss with the mangled EDID could have been caused by a less than ideal cable (although the mangled EDID was most definitely not!) because the 4K signal was 600Mhz, there's no way a dodgy cable wouldn't pass 300MHz.

    There's something really screwy with the amp and I think the mangled EDID is a symptom of that - I've seen amps truncate EDIDs before due to overflow but never had one simply remove vital data blocks like yours.

    I'd certainly want to check on firmware for it. And is there a procedure to reset the processor - I know there is with the Denons that I use - some arcane combination of button presses does it..
  2. SSThing

    SSThing Member

    Amp firmware reinstalled and everything cleared.
    TV factory reset.

    No change.

    Just about to reset the Z10 Pro.
  3. SSThing

    SSThing Member


    When I initially setup the Z10 Pro either I didn't get or accidentally skipped past the set up wizard. Just run the wizard and 4k@60hz is automatically the chosen setting.

    Thank you all for your help.

    Would it be useful to save the edid and upload it here so that it can go into the archive available in the edid thread?
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    The wizard doesn't do anything differently to simply setting resolution in the settings so it was the reset that did it - messing with EDIDs can have unexpected results sometimes until you properly power off with the switch on the back.

    This was never an issue with 4k60 - this was an issue with HDMI bandwidth which was increased by the colour sub-sampling mode and bit depth due to the mangled EDID.

    With the original mangled EDID, the box got very confused and output 12-bit 4K60 4:2:2 which is the full 600MHz of HDMI 2. I replicated that here using the mangled EDID.

    The reason it didn't display was either because the amp doesn't support 600MHz or the cable wasn't up to it (I suspect the amp).

    Using the 300MHz EDID restricts 4K60 to 8-bit 4:2:0 which isn't ideal - the ideal is 4K60 10-bit 4:2:0 which is 400MHz - This is what the first EDID I sent would provide - might be worth trying that again and doing a hard power reset - theoretically it should work.

    One issue you will find is that if you try any Dolby Vision 4K50~60 content, that will be reduced by half the frame rate for integer framerates and down to 2K for non-integer framerates.


    4K50 > 4K25
    4K60 > 4K30
    4K59 > 2K59

    But as I say, only for Dolby Vision - this is because Dolby Vision, unlike HDR10, has to use either 12-bit 4:2:2 or 8-bit RGB at 50~60Hz which we know isn't supported for whatever reason and now the 300MHz EDID won't allow it.
  5. SSThing

    SSThing Member


    This is getting frustrating.
    I can use my Z10 Pro for hours without any issue.
    But, if I leave it for any period of time (watch normal TV) when I come back I am getting a blue screen on the TV and I have to press the resolution button on the remote to get the picture back. The resolution is switching to something other than the 4k/23 (locked) and if this change happens while my AVR is off I get the blue screen when I turn it back on.
    As you can see from the attached photos, the front panel of the Z10 is reporting 1080p but at the same time the settings are showing it should be 4k/24.
    My AVR reports the output as 1080p.
    If I come out of the settings then go back in it shows 1080p/50 and if I change it all again it will be fine, until next time!
    Like now!
    Blue screen, front panel says 1080p, AVR reports input unknown until I press the resolution button.
    It's driving me mad.
    Either I am doing something really stupid and not realising or something isn't working correctly.

    I have reset everything (TV/AVR/Zidoo) several times over the last few days.
  6. rozel

    rozel Well-Known Member

    There was discussion some time ago that locked resolutions reverted and if my memory serves me correctly, it reverted to 3840 x 2160 60hz - which could play havoc with your viewing. I note this when Updating Firmware - I have to reselect (lock) the 23hz resolution - it's now automatic that I do this upon upgrade, before I exit and switch off for 1 minute before operating my player once more. Don't know if this is your issue.
  7. SSThing

    SSThing Member

    It certainly has similarities.

    It occurred to me that perhaps one of my other remotes may be triggering the change, so I have changed the channels on all of them to see if it resolves the issue.
  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    There must be something odd going on with the EDID.

    With the Zidoo connected to the AVR and everything set up as you want it - resolution etc - do the following:

    Goto Settings/Display/Custom EDID and "Save EDID"

    Then switch the Custom EDID on and load that EDID back into slot 4 and select it.

    Now when you switch on the Zidoo it has that EDID always available regardless of whether the amp/tv are switched on or off.
    SSThing likes this.
  9. SSThing

    SSThing Member

    After changing the codes on my other remotes I think that the problem has gone away. I waited for a few hours and it didn't happen but I have also now followed Marks advice re the edid.
    Fingers crossed.

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