Button shortcut to cycle the screen size on the fly (like in settings)

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by MacGyver27, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. MacGyver27

    MacGyver27 New Member


    I would very welcome a button shortcut to reduce the screen size lets say by 10% every time button is pressed - lets say loop from 100% to 30%..

    I know this is configurable from the menu, but having it on remote controller button it would be much more convenient.

    In my scenario I have 77" inch TV in the bedroom and sometimes am falling asleep with the movie on. Imagine suddenly appearing a very bright scene - on such a big screen it is lots of light which wakes me up.. so when I am gonna put a movie just to comfort me while falling asleep I would reduce the screen size to 50% and this way bright scenes don't produce that much light and wont wake me up..

    Hope I make sense here. Thanks a lot!
  2. MacGyver27

    MacGyver27 New Member

    Can somebody resposne please? Thanks!
  3. MacGyver27

    MacGyver27 New Member

  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Nope - kinda think you're on your own with this one :D
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    As my doctor of 25 years told me way back
    Bed is for 2 activities only

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