Beta version v1.0.65 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Azreil24

    Azreil24 Member

    Maybe the issue is only with anime, as this is what I mostly have in terms of series. I managed to play around with TMM and make it play nice, now I need to do that with HT4 and have it pick up the episode thumbnails that TMM downloaded as for now it doesn't want to, although it seems it had loaded the metadata correctly now and I have the seasons mapped correctly now, with descriptions and all.
  2. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    The way Zidoo has advertised their products on their official site seems so promising that a customer would definitely want to buy one of it. Zidoo says there is at least a 20% improvement in guaranteed picture quality. I personally compared the Z9X Pro and LG OLED side by side and noticed "Zero" improvement. Z9X Pro shows the same picture as my LG TV would show when played through HDD.

    Zidoo should have offered some sort of PQ enhancement options such as "Edge enhancer and Noise Reduction and Smooth gradation and Super resolution" for those who want to experiment with picture.

    Recently I have noticed frame skips and glitches in Z9X pro. Zidoo should at least offer a stable firmware if not better picture.
  3. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Zidoo has advertised their products to have 20% improvement in picture quality.

    If you have a decent TV, try playing movies on TV directly and you will be impressed with it too.
  4. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Exactly! Typing with inbuilt key board is annoying. Zidoo should have offered a dedicated QWERTY pad at the back of remote for faster typing, also there is no voice search support like my LG OLEDs(No microphone in remote) , also the super smooth WebOS interface is something else.
  5. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Z9X pro support thumbnails of video files?
  6. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    Think thats meant to be compared to the previous Z9X range ,and yes theres a noticeable improvement in picture quality over the Z9X .Thats the main reason i purchased my Z9X Pro ,and am very happy with the mkv Iso and BD folder playback for 720p 1080p and 2160p tv and movies i play thru it

    The Music Player has gone backwards thou...lets hope they finally start fixing that or enable a way for us to use USB Audio Player Pro which i originally purchased for my Z9X when i got a Topping DAC because mp7 wasnt working (wrong hdmi port on my reciever in the end nz gets a diff layout on the denon 3700h but i was using the overseas layout so 1 hdmi port out ...LOL )
  7. DennisTheMenace

    DennisTheMenace Active Member

    I don't want to play files directly over my tv because it doesn't do framerate switching and don't play dts, dts-hd, dtsx.
    That's the only reasons why I use a mediaplayer
    Edit: And the use of a media center software like Hometheater or zdmc of course
  8. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    What's the benefit of using ZDMC? I've installed it to see if is can play .mov and few other X264 files correctly but alas! If the internal media player can't do it then how can we expect ZDMC to play certain files? Its a hardware problem not software, right?
  9. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Should I hard reset my Zidoo Z9X Pro....?
    How come I'm not seeing any improvement....:(
  10. DennisTheMenace

    DennisTheMenace Active Member

    The only reason why to use zdmc is, if you prefer the use of kodi over the use of Home theater. And it can play very very old divx videos.
    I don't know any media player that supports mov files. Maybe a kodi box with Vlc Player installed? I don't know.
    The files you want to play, if the don't work, the zidoo probably has no hardware encoder for it.
    I think the most player don't have one.
    So if you want to play them you need a player with a strong cpu and use a software encoder. Maybe a shield tv or a ugoos Am8 can do that. I don't know.

    Is it a anime ? Because anime sometimes are using strange encoded files

    Have you really tested the zdmc with the kodi player ? Because if you use it with the zdmc zidoo player, of course it will not work.
    You have to long press the ok button over the file you want to play and select "play using...." and than select "videoPlayer" please try that. Because if you press only the ok button, zdmc will use the zidoo player.
    So long press over the h264 file and select play using and than VideoPlayer
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
  11. Werner LY

    Werner LY New Member

    I am new to an ZX9Pro
    trying to update the version and struggling how to do this right.
    can anyone clarify please how to do this correct?

    when I downloaded the version and unzipped to a USB drive FAT32 format
    do I need to rename the full folder to : "install.img" or just the ..bin file in this folder?

    First, press the RESTORE button then turn on the power by the same time.
    does somehow not work out?

    thank you for helping me out here
  12. Temearoo

    Temearoo Active Member

    pcristi likes this.
  13. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    Do not unzip the FW file. Just place it in the root directory of the USB drive then go to Settings > Other > Upgrade > Update and choose USB Update.
  14. Werner LY

    Werner LY New Member

    Dear Temearoo,

    that worked out.
    your link how to do this is a perfect match.
    Thank you so much
  15. Azreil24

    Azreil24 Member

    HT4 is one of the worst software that I have ever seen. Had setup my Jujutsu Kaisen series through TMM, all was fine, went to update on the Zidoo and it split the 2 seasons in 5 entries, with no logic at all...
    supermood likes this.
  16. bowlingbeeg

    bowlingbeeg Active Member

    Since you have a Plex server already setup why not use the ZidooPlexMod kodi client. Then you don't have to worry about HT4's matching. See this thread for more details:
  17. Azreil24

    Azreil24 Member

    We already talked about this a while back. Still easier to navigate the collection with the HT than the Plex Mod and thought I give it another try. Waiting on that update you mentioned that makes the interface more detailed :)
  18. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    What update that will make the interface more detailed?! Pray tell!
  19. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Thanks for guiding me!
    How to install ZDMC with Kodi?
    I dont own any Kodi player but Z9X Pro.
    I have install ZDMC player on my Z9X pro that I downloaded .apk from "".

    I'm trying .mov video files recorded by iphone 14 pro and not anime movies.

    Are there any good players for Z9X pro such as MXplayer or VLC? Tried installing both from play store but it can't access the Hard drives so...:(
  20. Azreil24

    Azreil24 Member

    But I cannot find the new version in the releases. Last one s still 0.3.0.

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