Beta version v1.0.65 for Z9X Pro/Z20 Pro/Z2000 Pro/Z2600/UHD5000 release

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by Markswift2003, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Sorry but Zidoo Customer support is not competent enough to resolve my issues. I've been struggling playing 3D movies on my 3D supported TV and customer support is not able to resolve it despite sharing EDID.bin.

    Also whenever I'm playing DV or HDR content the Zidoo OS stutter abnormally whenever I'm pressing menus or selecting audios or subtitles. Why is it so? Happening this with you all too?
  2. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    my actual pain points 1-5

    1. can the library issue solved in the next version? I have a perfect folder structure with names and all info available but ht4 gives me such a xxx it's impossible to look at, even after rescan not better.
    every season alone, sometimes a season with Pic the next not. then season 3 another Pic as season 1 and so on.... what is that?

    2. very important I reported 3 times at least. showing subtitle while pausing and IN screensaver is a NO-GO. I'm surely not the only one with a 2000eur oled

    3. pausing and then turning off doesn't save the position. next day you fast forward the episode for the correct position

    4. subtitle search in the player doesn't work. no release info and results are for the whole folder not the episode you're watching. so the correct one is most times not even visible at all.

    5. from within a season you have to be able to jump to the show!! currently after ending a season you search your main TV folder for the show to start the next season this is no ux design at all
  3. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    @Markswift2003 feedback / confirmation that these are noted would be great!! thanks!!
  4. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    supermood likes this.
  5. KJC

    KJC Active Member

    Tried both ways "Most Compatible" and "High Efficiency" i.e. x264 and x265, 1080p 60FPS works but 4K 60FPS still lags/stutter.
    What's wrong with Z9X pro, should be able to handle these files.
    Initially I thought Zidoo customer support might help me fix this with minor software patch or with next update but I was wrong. They don't even respond on mails.
    Really disappointing!
  6. Sergii

    Sergii New Member

    I bought uhd5000 first, then neo alpha because I thought that with a top one everything will functioning perfect, but finally, after a totally disappointing experience just stay with z2000 + for hifi using a good stereo amp with streamer. And if one day I need to sell my z2000 for half price or even less, that's fine. For now zidoo is just a compromises what is fine for players under 500$, but for 3000$ it should be a really good working machine, not only give me a high quality components, but also a high quality software and well working customer service.
    USA likes this.
  7. Knight2001

    Knight2001 New Member


    Im new to the Zidoo - just got a UHD5000 - and I’d like to ask if the v1.0.65 beta firmware addresses the problems with multichannel DSD?

    It sounds like a clocking problem to me

  8. geebolt

    geebolt Active Member

    It does not. I have converted my multichannel DSD files to FLAC so I can listen to them until it's fixed.
  9. Capo737

    Capo737 New Member

    Hey Guys,
    Ever since I've installed the Beta on my Z9X Pro, the Subtitle Download Page takes as much as 30 seconds to show the download options, or many times just fails to show any option at all! And most times fails to download the shown available subtitles! Any thing I can do to fix this? Did not have any issues in the Final Firmware 1.05 at all!
  10. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    with 0.65 dolby visions files are not working anymore at a. have not changed one setting. with 0.62 I had no problems now screen stays dark.

    sometimes I hear sound sometimes nothing. only hard power reboot possible.

    it's a shame.

    capo, sub down for me never worked I recommend bazarr now
    Capo737 likes this.
  11. cucnz

    cucnz Well-Known Member

    Are you sure your not just getting the intermittent EDID lose issue

    With this ,your settings get changed randomly ,sometimes to ones not in your tv ,play range ,hence the black screen on certain files ,and if so would also explain why a reset will fix the issue
    Can check it easily,2 ways
    First ,just hit Home button ,which hopefully will enable you to go to settings and recheck if your specific settings are correct,or been randomly changed

    Second you can often get out to a workable screen by hitting the Resolution button on your remote WAIT 3-5 secs for resynch ,repeat a coup-le times ,and see if a workable screen comes back

    If it is just this issue , its a known one and they been trying fixes for last couple f/ws ,and is a lot more stable now than previously
    supermood likes this.
  12. zozo510

    zozo510 New Member

    Hello, Several of us are experiencing problems activating 3D with MVC files with certain projectors or TVs, me for example with the Z9X, 3D works very well in MVC, no activation problems! , whereas with the Z9XPro it is impossible to activate 3D in MVC! Thanks if you found a solution
  13. supermood

    supermood Active Member

    thanks! but no edid loss. I'm using a harmony so no resolution button either... would anyway never change.

    solution for the moment was to change frame rate pause from 3 seconds to 1. since then I started an episode 3 or 4 times without an issue.

    don't ask me why...
  14. clueluzz

    clueluzz Member

    Hey Mark, I'm still experiencing stuttering on a lot of the videos I have (Z9X pro) . Since I sold my Z9X, are the files that are stuttering that you've tested playback normally on the Z9X?

    Or anyone who has both 1619DR and 1619BPD players still?
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Some files with TrueHD soundtracks stutter on the 1619BPD only. No idea why, but it's something to do with the encoding. Other soundtracks (AC3, DTS etc) are not affected.

    The devs are aware of it.
    clueluzz likes this.
  16. clueluzz

    clueluzz Member

    Thanks Mark. As always, U DA MAN!

    UPDATE: I mentioned this to my friend who has a Z9X Pro as well and he says latest Kodi (20.2) plays back no problems. So I had to test it and surely enough, all the files that stuttered are now perfect. SO WEIRD!
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
  17. DennisTheMenace

    DennisTheMenace Active Member

    I had similar problems like this, but after I installed that 1.0.68 (internal test version) Firmware, I don't have any problems anymore, when it comes to the playback of video files.
    The only problem I have after installing this firmware is that very very rarely when I update my library in zdmc or ht4, a reboot occurs after accessing the connected usb drives.
    But it's probably my own fault if I install this test version.
    The reboot after accessing the USB hard drives when updating the library has only happened twice so far. However, the screen was black regularly with version 1.0.65.
    I hope we can expect an official new firmware soon
  18. Thanh Nguyen

    Thanh Nguyen Member

    DTS-X stutters randomly as well, sometimes it doesn't at all. But once it starts the stutter comes more and more frequent, and it doesn't always stutter at the exact same point. Only way to fix it is stop the video and restart it or change the audio output device from E-Arc to TV speakers and back. Happened to me few times in harry potter the philosopher's stone for DTS-X.
  19. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Not seen that one. Would need a repeatable sample.
  20. I'm using an Epson 5040 UB projector and 2d MVC engages perfect...

    Maube having VS10 engine on might be issue.. I set zidoo to auto.

    Hope that maybe helps...

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