yes, but the problem isnt limited to others video players. I cant use auto-switch-framerate with my current configuration...x10 is connect to yamaha av and if i set auto resolution it switch auto on 1080p i dont know i must set resolution manually to 3840 to have correct resolution and everi time i need 1080 i must reset manually 1080. Thats very annoying. Aonther thing (less important): if you set manually 4096, x10 displays doesnt show 4k resolution. About auto framerate i hope that something will be doing
hello, about the auto resolution, this has already been said several times, it doesnt work, you have to choose between 1080p or 2160p, if you have a mix of movies 1080p and 2160p, choose the 2160p60.
I'm not speaking about playback. When I connect x10 to tv dashboard and all the rest even show in 1080p, and that's a mistery for a great tvbox like this