Audio delay option missing...(??)

Discussion in 'ZDMC for Zidoo' started by tom.58, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. tom.58

    tom.58 New Member

    Hi there,

    I think I remember that also in ZDMC there was an option to set an audio delay in the settings of the player. Cannot find it anymore...

    Was there a change in the settings ?

    Where can I find it now ?? It' very important 'cause some systems produce a delay....

    Thanks in advance
  2. tom.58

    tom.58 New Member

    It was found in the player settings -> Advanced -> "Audio Offset"

    Cannot find it there anymore...
    Will you bring it back please ?
  3. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Settings/Playback/Function Keys and assign the Up/Down keys to Audio Offset then adjust when the file plays.

  4. tom.58

    tom.58 New Member

    Thanks for this workaround !
    But I will lose Chapter Switch then.
    Cant't you put it back into player menu also ?
  5. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You can assign Chapter Switch to the Page keys which makes more sense.
  6. jammes

    jammes New Member

    Hello i bought a Zidoo Z20pro and i dont see the option audio Offset in the fonction key menu, is it normal?
  7. Claudioexe

    Claudioexe New Member

    Hello, I was looking for this option (Audio offset in function keys) on my new Zidoo Z9X Pro 4K, but I can't find it. Could it have been moved? I have the latest firmware version, v1.0.95. Please help, it's very important as I'm using a projector.

    Attached Files:

  8. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    I seem to remember the option was removed because there was an issue getting it to work correctly with this SOC - but if the projector has a specific latency, it will be reported in the EDID and the AV processor should have an option to pick it up using an auto lipsync function - at the worst there's always an option to set it manually.

    If you post your EDID I can tell you what the latency is (the decimal value reported in the EDID is the latency in milliseconds divided by 2, plus 1 for some daft reason).

    ** EDIT **
    Yes, according to my notes, this was removed from v1.0.83 and prior to that it simply didn't work.
  9. Claudioexe

    Claudioexe New Member

    Hi Markswift2003,

    Thank you for your response. I understand now that the audio offset feature was removed due to an issue with the SoC :/. Since I don’t have an AV receiver to handle the auto lipsync function, I was wondering if there’s a previous firmware version that still includes this feature and is compatible with the Zidoo Z9X Pro (or maybe the Z9X Pro never had it).

    Regarding the EDID, I extracted the data using MonInfo, but I’m pretty sure it won’t make much of a difference without the AV receiver :'(. If you can think of any other way to solve this, I’d appreciate your advice.

    Best regards,

    Attached Files:

  10. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    As I say, the option was there prior to v1.0.83 but it didn't actually do anything.

    Latency is reported in your EDID as 53d which means a video processing delay of 104ms.

    So where does your audio come from if not an AV amp?
  11. Claudioexe

    Claudioexe New Member

    Hi Markswift2003,

    Thank you for clarifying. The audio in my setup comes from a Sony 5.1 soundbar connected directly to the Zidoo optical output.

    (I’m new to this field, so, sorry if i misunderstood something), my current setup is as follows:
    • My projector is connected directly to the Zidoo via HDMI.
    • My soundbar is also connected directly to the Zidoo via the optical cable.
    Interestingly, I don’t encounter this issue with my Blu-ray player (UBP-X700) because it has an audio offset option. However, it seems there’s no way to make the Zidoo work correctly in my current setup unless I purchase a system with an AV receiver or something like the Felston DD740.

    Thank you again for your insights!

    Best regards,
  12. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It seems like a perfect storm has brewed here...

    Projectors often have a video latency due to processing whereas most TVs do not and sound bar manufacturers expect their products to be used with TVs and so don't generally include lipsync correction. AVR manufacturers expect their products to be used with projectors and so include automatic lipsync correction (based on EDID) or often just manual settings - but either has the same effect if set properly.

    The Z9X has audio delay and so does the Z9X 8K but for whatever reason it never worked on the Z9X Pro so was removed. Whether it'll ever get fixed is anyone's guess. My guess, I'm afraid, would be no.

    I guess this depends how you use your setup, practicalities of the room etc etc, but you're losing quite a lot audio wise, by both using a soundbar and using an optical cable rather than HDMI - so no DTS-HD, No TrueHD or TrueHD Atmos and of course limited surround sound since everything comes from the front.

    That being said, I wouldn't get a Felston - if I was going to spend that kind of money (for an analogue only stereo audio delay line) I'd simply cut my losses and get a Z9X 8K (and sell the Pro perhaps).

    I know people will wince at that suggestion - "Zidoo should fix the audio delay on the Pro" blah blah blah... but I tend to think pragmatically, and yes, the Pro should be fixed. But will it?

    Just my Saturday evening ramblings....

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