Air mouse/Zidoo X6

Discussion in 'ZIDOO X6 Pro' started by Eltax1693, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Eltax1693

    Eltax1693 New Member

    Air mouse compatible with Zidoo X6?

  2. spring

    spring Guest

    we tested some air mouse, it no problem.
  3. Eltax1693

    Eltax1693 New Member

    Can you please give me some advice?
  4. spring

    spring Guest

    Mele F10 pro
  5. Eltax1693

    Eltax1693 New Member

    Tnx for you help.
  6. agmarco

    agmarco Member

    I bought the Mele F10 Pro. Is there someone who knows if the Mic at the RC works in combination with the X6 Pro? And how to set this up? The manual of the RC is not clear. Thanks!
  7. Arctic Ace

    Arctic Ace Member

    I bought Rii i8+ (PLUS) from Aliexpress. It's working fine.
  8. agmarco

    agmarco Member

    That is nice, thanks for sharing, but I have a Mele F10 Pro because it was mentioned here. So I thought maybe someone has experience with this device. Thanks anyway!
  9. Bobby

    Bobby New Member

    Is there a way to have all mele f10 buttons to work (e.g. Keymap)?
  10. spring

    spring Guest

    did you find which button could not work?
  11. Bobby

    Bobby New Member

    Yes, all buttons under the pad don't work: home, options, volume, FFWD etc. Also the power button doesn't work. I manually have to add the buttons using the STB or TV group button.

    What I really want is that when using the button My Box everything works.
  12. spring

    spring Guest

    must change the keymap file. it in /system/usr/keylayout/
  13. Bobby

    Bobby New Member

    How do I do that? Do you have an example?
  14. Buddym

    Buddym Member

    I hope also that they work with the F10 deluxe. Will Zidoo fix that?
  15. spring

    spring Guest

    we will wirte a example file, wait a moment.
  16. Bobby

    Bobby New Member

    Thanks in advance!
  17. Bobby

    Bobby New Member

    • Well... How many moments do I have to wait?
  18. spring

    spring Guest

    this is doc for "How to change our special key for X6"
    we have make a sample for MINIX NEO A2 Lite to add the mutile switch app.
    first, you must use the adb, and you should intall the adb tool in your PC.
    then open the debug mode for X6:
    goto the android setting==>about device==>build number, press five enter key, and in the android setting will open the "Developer options":
    Screenshot_2016-01-23-12-02-41.png Screenshot_2016-01-23-12-02-47.png

    And then into the "Developer options", close the USB debugging first, then open it. and your X6 has in debugging mode.

    And now, you could connect your X6 use adb.
    into the "cmd mode"in your pc, connect your X6, pls into "adb connect"(your X6 ip addr):
    then input:
    "adb shell"
    then press your key int the air mouce, and will set like the red frame: the 00f0 = 0xf0 = 240.

    and you can put your key into the "Generic.kl" file: key 240 APP_SWITCH
    then push your file to the system:
    adb root;
    adb remount;
    adb push G:/Generic.kl /system/usr/keylayout
    reboot your device, and can use the new key.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2016
  19. grummel2005

    grummel2005 Well-Known Member

    some of the pictures i cannot see here?!?
  20. spring

    spring Guest

    it is ok now.

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