Advice please! Amazon Music play back in 192K.

Discussion in 'Eversolo' started by kyama, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. mr. shr

    mr. shr New Member

    Because I'd be installing software onto my unit before the manufacturer intended for it to be on my unit.
    Feel like it's a reasonable concern.
  2. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    They are updates from the manufacturer, not just "software intended or not to be on your unit". An update is always "intended" to be installed.
  3. mr. shr

    mr. shr New Member

    I understand that the software is from the manufacturer. What concerns me is that details of obtaining and installing said software is presented via a forum. It's not detailed on Eversolo's website. At the least, I'd hope their FAQ section would point you to the community forums page.
    Their website does detail updates for the Z6 and Z8 DACs.
    I would expect to see the same for their streamer products in this area, but if not then something to direct us to the forum.

    Therefore, I suspect updating via USB is done so at owner's risk, but seems it's only me that's scared by that.

    Additionally, this thread refers to V1.2.15 but even that is an old version, yes?
    Is the latest version V1.2.50 or have I misunderstood?
  4. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    The latest version is indeed v1.2.50
  5. mr. shr

    mr. shr New Member

    So my unit is sat back with Fred Flintstone's release of V1.2.12
    I take it there have been several iterations between what's on my device to the latest V1.2.50 ?
    At what point do the interim releases become formally available and update automatically online?
    (I'm in the UK)
  6. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    I'm also in the UK, and the official OTA updates occur usually within 1 day or so of the official announcement of the release. You will normally see a changelog and link for those who want to update via USB on this forum from a Zidoo dev team member called mirror. Usually you will also need to update the control app be it Android or iOS as well as the firmware. It seems that new firmware is imminent so you should be able to jump up to latest version quite soon.
  7. mr. shr

    mr. shr New Member

    Yes, I'd been reading some other threads and understood that mirror is from Oversolo.

    What is the latest officially announced release version?
    I assume V1.2.50 is the latest beta, so does that mean all previous releases are now official?
    Or perhaps those earlier versions didn't become official as too many bugs were identified? I suppose that is the whole point of beta releases, yes?
  8. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    v1.2.50 is the latest officially announced release version, not a beta. There were various betas before that, v1.2.50 was then released after the bugs were ironed out etc.
  9. mr. shr

    mr. shr New Member

    Ok. So I take it V1.2.12 was the last official release then?

    When did V1.2.50 become official and typically how long after becoming official does the UK receive it?
  10. Jjb067

    Jjb067 Active Member

    No that v1.2.12 is quite old. I don't know why your A6 says it is the latest, it is not, v1.2.50 is what everyone is currently on. I think it was released back in early February. As I said, in the UK you normally get it over the air about 1 day after release. If I were you, I would go to the v1.2.50 thread on this forum, find the mirror announcement and download v1.2.50 using the link there and put it on a USB stick. Then do an update from that file on your A6. Then you will be up to date with everyone else.
    Nutul likes this.
  11. mr. shr

    mr. shr New Member

    I might have to.
    Concerned my unit isn't auto updating though.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024

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