Add to Category doesn't list all the categories

Discussion in 'General - Guides and FAQ' started by Bert Coules, Mar 6, 2023.

  1. Bert Coules

    Bert Coules New Member

    Apologies for yet another question. Some of my media files have been scanned correctly as far as posters, titles, and other details are concerned, but have been put into the wrong category: TV shows are in Movies and vice versa.

    If I highlight a title in the alphabetical list and press Pop Menu the options offered include "Add to Category" - but if I select it, the only categories then listed are the two that I custom-added (Theatre and Opera). How then can I move titles into the standard categories? Am I missing something obvious? Many thanks.
  2. Bert Coules

    Bert Coules New Member

    After another long period of trying I'm afraid I'm still baffled by this: isn't it a rather fundamental thing to need to do, to move a title from one category to another? I have movies in the TV listing and TV shows in the movies list - surely there must be a simple, straighforward way to correct this? I'd be grateful for any thoughts or tips. Thanks.
  3. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    How are you movies and TV shows stored?
    Are all the movies in one folder called movies and all the TV shows in another folder called TV like this (see attached image) folders.JPG Sometimes the naming of the file and individual folder it is in can cause HT some confusion if there happens to be a movie with the same name as a TV show.
  4. Bert Coules

    Bert Coules New Member

    Netmask, thanks for your reply. That is exactly how my files are arranged, yes, though some of the file names weren't ideal at the time of the initial scan. Perhaps what I should do is go through everything and make sure the names are consistent and then do a new complete scan; does that happen automatically every time the Z9X is switched on or is there a command somewhere to initiate it?
  5. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    With TV series it's best not to include the episode name if it has one as the particular ep name might be the same as a movie. eg Only Murders in the Building S02E10 I know who did it.mkv but Only Murders in the Building S02E10.mkv is safer. Also with movies if there have been a few remakes over the years it's best to include the year after the name.
  6. Bert Coules

    Bert Coules New Member

    Netmask, thanks again. I'm slowly working through the files trying to make everything consistent.
  7. Bert Coules

    Bert Coules New Member

    Netmask, or anyone else who might know, I'm puzzled by this:

    I have several titles listed as Unmatched and using the Pop Menu option I can copy them to various categories with no problems. Obviously the poster and details don't get displayed but that's doesn't particularly bother me. However I would also like to add them into various existing collections but that choice doesn't come up; in fact I've yet to work out why it does appear for some titles but not for others. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023
  8. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    Any titles in unmatched you should try re-match
  9. Bert Coules

    Bert Coules New Member

    Oh, I have, but whatever variations of the titles I try I don't get a match. This is not unexpected for some of them, since they're privately made videos, not films or TV programmes, but it's frustrating about the others. However it doesn't matter, because I can copy any unmatched title to a different Category and play it from there (I'm not too fussed about the lack of a poster and other details) - but what I can't work out is how to put an unmatched title into a Collection.

    Am I simply trying to do something which the software isn't designed to do?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023
  10. Netmask

    Netmask Well-Known Member

    You can make your own posters and backdrops and there is limited editing capability in the Web interface. I did a private video of the Sydney New Year Eve Fireworks, created a poster and backdrop from images sourced from within the video and in the web interface wrote a synopsis. I believe from what I've gleaned form the forum that some work on the web interface is/will be happening, but when? "nobody knows!". Take a look at tinyMediaManager if you don't already have it.
    Bert Coules likes this.
  11. Bert Coules

    Bert Coules New Member

    I haven't had a chance to look at that yet; thanks for the prompt.
    Similarly with that; I'll investigate.
  12. Arkooo

    Arkooo New Member

    Hi there,

    I just bought a Zidoo Z10 Pro and while figuring out if it is for me, I ran into the same problem.

    I have more than thousand movies, so being able to origanize them to my liking is crucial, so I need the categorization to be on point.
    I was hoping to be able to change the current automatic category in the Zidoo menu, but as I understand from this post, this isn't possible?

    But if I change the metadata in TinyMediaManager, I should be able to do it?

    I would love to hear your thoughts/sollutions on this, thanx.
  13. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Easiest way is to create Custom Categories:




    Then you can change the icon if you don't like the standard one(s).
  14. Arkooo

    Arkooo New Member

    Thanx! I saw that option yes. It just seems a shame to have to do so, because the poster wall itself creates categories, that you can beautifully acces on the homescreen with the buttons Comedy - Action - Documentary etc.
    For me it would be a more elegant sollution to adjust THOSE categories, also because otherwise I would have to reassign EVERY of the 1000-2000 movies.

    Will it change those categories if I change them via a sowftware like TinyMediaManager?

    Thank you for your help!
  15. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    Ah right - those are Genres - easily changed in the web interface or using NFOs or using Tiny Media Manager.

  16. Arkooo

    Arkooo New Member

    Ah wow, that seems to be what I'm looking for, thanx! And can I acces above screen via the Zidoo -device itself? Where can I find this pop-up screen?
  17. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    It's the web interface, so via a web browser - http://IP_ADDRESS:9528 (look in the "about" section in HT4 settings for your address)

    It'll ask you to set a password the first time you access it.
  18. Markswift2003

    Markswift2003 Well-Known Member SUPER Administrator Beta test group Contributor

    You can also add a second row, so the way I'd do it is leave the original Genres row in place and add a second Category row with only your newly added categories. I wouldn't remove existing genres from the metadata, just add the new categories.

    You can of course move them where you want to make the home page to your liking.

    For example, I don't like the default layout, so I have Recently added at the top, then genres, then widgets, then recommended, then now playing.

    So in your case I'd probably have my second category row first and move the genres down below recommended as I'd be more likely to use the new row first.

    It's quite customisable.

    Once you've spend time editing your movies to add the new genres/categories I'd then export NFOs so that information is accessible should you want to rescan. Also, make a backup of the database.
  19. Arkooo

    Arkooo New Member

    Ok, thanx! I will have a look tonight and see if I can figure it out!
  20. Arkooo

    Arkooo New Member

    Oh, wow, I had no idea I can acces all my files via the browser on my laptop, great!

    This is the window I get when I click adjust on a movie. How can I put a new row in for Genres?
    And why should I do this? Ideally I would have full control over what genre it displays in, so when I go to for example Action, I only see the movies that I regard as Action movies.
    I am planning to put all my movies on an internal HD, so when all is installed, I should leave all my files alone and not have to rescan. But it is crucial for me to have a good plan, before I go and adjust 1000+ movies. So thank you very much for your help, this will really help me organize everything to my liking.

    Attached Files:

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