Thanks looun for your advise! That mean it is normal, i thought android box has limited the output sampling rate. or my setting is wrong....
Hello folks hope i can find my solution here. Was playing my blueray movie with my x9s, but regardless of what format i’m playing the input rate...
Thank Valera for your guidance! i fed my avr with dsd: dsf/dff tracks, good news it manage to play with its full resolution of 5.6Mhz through...
Good sharing Valera! You inspired some of us who pursuing hi-res audio through usb. Probably i could try your setup method since my avr supports...
thanks Valera for advise! Seem like it’s not easy to get full benefit from sacd iso w/o a proper DAC! Was looking at x20pro, really...
Thank for reply Valera! I’m using marantz SR5012, it does support dsd audio stream. but weird is it can’t detect sacd iso file from my external...
Hello anyone playing SACD iso with X9s audio pass-through? i have doubt with the sampling rate showing in my receiver when playing SACD iso, only...
Hello Daniel, Do you check your receiver's signal in rate when you playing SACD iso? I own marantz SR5012 when playing SACD iso with audio...
Hello i’m new user to X9S , was trying to download Hiby music for my SACD iso files, sadly the apps did not work on X9S after downloaded from...
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