I’ve lived with this remote for a week. No expert but here’s what I’ve found. Positives: Nice to have a remote. Feels solid in your hand, a little weight. It has a minimum of buttons as opposed to some that have several dozen you will never use. I like the button to turn down the lighting. I’m big on not having things to watch while trying to listen. Just how we are wired. But: I’m thinking most of us have had experience with the remote for an Apple TV. Google “worst remote ever”. They are truly horrible, just plain unusable. You have to use an iphone or tablet. Anyway, this Eversolo remote reminds me of it a bit, lots of PTSD there. My complaints: If you are in a hurry to turn down the volume, you’re in trouble. First you have to find the slippery little thing (like Apple) then you have to figure out which end is which (like the awful Apple) and then you have to find the volume switch. Here it’s way worse than the Apple. The tiny switch barely protrudes from the face of the remote. Hard to feel, and I have hands of a (retired) surgeon. But the worse thing and why I take time to write this is that even once you clear these first obstacles and press the tiny button, nothing happens for a while. Probably just a second but seems like several. So you figure you did it wrong and struggle to find the little button while you hope no one is being bothered by the continued loud sounds. At least the Apple has its buttons a different color to make them easier to find. Ths Eversolo a sea of darkness. The McIntosh remote I also use is far from perfect, way too big and complicated, designed to run lots of different devices. But you can find and feel the volume buttons and they work right then.