My Eversolo DMP A10 has recognised the files in my library and the M3u playlists I have stored which play those files (hooray!!). When I play a playlist, the "now playing" display shows the filename of each song in the list at the top, not the title of the song. My flac files are saved with the following naming convention ARTIST_TITLE.flac So if for example I am playing a song by an artist called Myselor, track title Full Force, from an Album called Intuition, the now playing display will read Myselor_Full Force Myselor Intuition Given that the A10 is clearly reading the tag information, the now playing display should read Full Force Myselor Intuition Ie. the first line should be the Title of the song not the filename.
Just to confirm - the same behaviour happens when using the app for IOS, during a playlist the filename is shown rather than title of the song.