Balanced output DMP-A8 to ML 28 preamplifier and Apple classical

Discussion in 'Eversolo' started by singeractor, Apr 8, 2024.

  1. singeractor

    singeractor New Member

    When I connect the balanced outputs of the Eversolo with my Mark Levinson ML 28 preamplifier, that leads to heavy distortion. The RCA output works well and with short cables there should be no difference in sound.
    But my XLR cables are much better and HighEnd. I would prefer to use XLR. Attenuating the XLR output with the Eversolo setting doesn't remove the distortion.
    Any idea?
    And a second question: Apple music works superb and in HighRes if I choose that in the settings of the app.
    It doesn't work with Apple Classical. I don't find there such settings as in the Music app. And the design - on my iPhone and on the Eversolo screen is much too big with Classical whereas music looks good on both.
  2. singeractor

    singeractor New Member

    Nobody else experienced a problem with the balanced output? May be my pretty old (but still fantastic sounding) preamplifier is the problem.
    Connecting the DMP-A8 directly to my active Magneplanar loudspeakers works good but the sound is less controlled as with the Mark Levinson
    and it's a bit annoying to change the amplifier to listen to records.
  3. The Moog

    The Moog Active Member

    Are there any input voltage settings on your pre amp?

    The RCA outputs at ~2.5V RMS and the XLR outputs at ~5V RMS (which might explain the heavy distortion if the pre amp is expecting 2.5V).
  4. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    The preamp may expect 2.5 on the RCAs (which is still a bit high IMO, I consider 2V the standard) but on XLR it should expect the double, as a rile of thumb... so it should cope with 5V.
    Alternative: try to keep the volume on the A8 at -3dB, or -2dB.
  5. singeractor

    singeractor New Member

    The manual of the Mark Levinson gives:
    Input impedance: 15KΩ shunted by 220pf
  6. Nutul

    Nutul Well-Known Member

    What do you exactly mean with this staement? That even lowering the output volume on the Eversolo the distortion doesn't go away??? Are you sure you do not have the volume bypass enabled?
    There is absolutely no way, NO WAY, that lowering the volume on the source keeps high levels on the output... OK, unless your preamp has a 90-or-so dB gain, of course...
  7. The Moog

    The Moog Active Member

    It looks like there are gain settings for the outputs, which probably need to be correctly set for the amp they are connected to and the incoming signals? From the manual:

    The Nº28 offers internal gain adjustment of the line amplifiers, in 6dBsteps via two single-pole miniature rocker switches. These switches have been factory-adjusted at 6dB/single-ended and 12dB/balanced operation. In practice, you should have enough gain so that normal listening is possible with the OUTPUT LEVEL set at approximately 6.
    Nutul likes this.
  8. singeractor

    singeractor New Member

    <<What do you exactly mean with this staement? That even lowering the output volume on the Eversolo the distortion doesn't go away??? Are you sure you do not have the volume bypass enabled?
    There is absolutely no way, NO WAY, that lowering the volume on the source keeps high levels on the output... OK, unless your preamp has a 90-or-so dB gain, of course...>>

    Passthrough is disabled. Even lowering the output volume to -78 db leads to distortion using the XLR outputs and inputs. RCA works without a problem.

    <<It looks like there are gain settings for the outputs, which probably need to be correctly set for the amp they are connected to and the incoming signals? From the manual:

    The Nº28 offers internal gain adjustment of the line amplifiers, in 6dBsteps via two single-pole miniature rocker switches. These switches have been factory-adjusted at 6dB/single-ended and 12dB/balanced operation. In practice, you should have enough gain so that normal listening is possible with the OUTPUT LEVEL set at approximately 6.>>

    As I understand the switches are for the output level and not for the incoming signal.
  9. Stopeter44

    Stopeter44 Member

    Have you tried lowering this gain setting on the Balanced inputs, even if it actually applies to the output, could it be that the output stage of the ML28 is being overloaded by XLR inputs ?

    I take it that you can use the very same XLR input with another source and not have a problem ?
  10. singeractor

    singeractor New Member

    I'll try it. The Eversolo is the first piece of equipment in 30 years that has that problem. The Mark Levinson is old but still very good and with a first class MC input and built for eternity.
  11. Stopeter44

    Stopeter44 Member

    Way back in the day, I remember hearing and seeing that kind of gear for the first time. I also remember the prices. Look how far we’ve come, great sounding equipment can be had for peanuts, if you take inflation into account.

    If you have held on to that ML preamp for 30 years, that’s money well spent. I also commend your sobriety in a world of gear hoarders, such as myself.
  12. Bert Doppenberg

    Bert Doppenberg New Member

    Same problem here ... RCA is flawless and clean. XLR sounds as if something is overloaded. Stupid thing is that the R2R volume is set low (using it as pre-amp) so how can my amp receive too much gain? Some mismatch should occur inside the Eversolo ... I play only using the streamer though, perhaps another input does not give these XLR issues? Have to check myself...

    Or did you found the solution for this distortion over XLR?
  13. singeractor

    singeractor New Member

    I now found a solution: It doesn't work with the balanced inputs of the Mark Levinson but the one unbalanced input is working flawlessly.

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