These days many have multi national families today speaking different native languages like myself. Next to this most speak or like English as the new global language for subtitles too. That already adds up to 3 languages of preference not just one. Would it be possible to add "Any/All Western" to the subtile download language as a preference? This should give all available subtitles similar to those found doing a search on e.g. Please don't flood this setting with Chinese or other Asian languages. I have another brand media player just doing that as the standard (no option to set a preferred language) and that works just fine. My guess is this is fairly easy to implement and will be appreciated by many.
Frankly I am using both regularly but can't confirm it is a better resource, just another good one. So consulting both would make sense to me only.
@mirror Thanks for implementing this with FW 2.2.82 even better than asked for. The change actually allows to tag all languages in Quick Setup one is interested in. These will next show where available when a download is requested acting as a filter. This works great! Truly love it. Changed the title accordingly to Available. A small warning: The filename is used as the search argument op be sure to only use the exact title. Movie Wall ignores some additional tag information but this search does not. Using the APP is probably the easiest way to remove any private tags added to the title.
Tagged English, Spanish plus Dutch subtitles, but in fact never found a single Dutch subtitle yet. I do see some Dutch subtitles on though. As a test used the movie "Tess 1979" which definitely has subtitles to be found also for BD in Dutch. First tried with my default setting: 60 hits for English and Spanish but no Dutch included. Next only enabled search for Dutch and then "no subtitles found" was the result. ISO codes for Dutch are NL and NLD. The server seems to have been unreachable for some days. A request for Zidoo to issue different messages for "Server not found" and "Search failure" as it was unclear what was happening during that period: - Server not found would then come out after a long time-out! - A real search failure takes only a few seconds typically !
How does the dominance of English in multinational families affect the preservation of native languages? Can we truly consider ourselves multicultural if we prioritize one language over others in our daily lives? What steps can be taken to ensure that native languages are not lost in the process?", "refusal