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Feb 13, 2025 at 10:29 AM
Sep 11, 2014
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Apr 17, 1978 (Age: 46)

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Well-Known Member, Male, 46

SUPER Administrator Zidoo TECH Supporter
mirror was last seen:
Feb 13, 2025 at 10:29 AM
    1. Mauricio
      I have the Brand new UHD8000 and now its a brick. I contacted Zidoo support they said they fixed the problem but I'm still getting the error message

      Illegal Device

      NET MAC:80:0a:80:5d:96:64
      UUID: Authentication failure uuid
      Date: 2025/01/07 17:54:33

      Sate Illegal authorized (4)

      I's been down a few days with no resolve. What do I need to do?

    2. Mach1000
      Zidoo z9x pro is my fourth Zidoo and it has never happened that the internal storage or USB ssd disk was inaccessible in any application or in Kodi. If I want to install a repository from a zip, I can see the disks, but I can't access them and the OK button is grayed out. In Android, write and use access is always allowed. I've tried all versions of Kodi and there's no access anywhere.
    3. Werther44210
      Hi Mirror,

      I have the same problem with my Zidoo Alpha, error message:
      Illegal authorized :
      NET MAC: 80:0a:80:55:12:ab
      UUID : Authentication failure uuid
      State: Illegal authorized (1004)

      thank you for authorizing me
    4. steveoat87
      Hi Mirror,

      Is Zidoo aware of the problems with Roon on the UHD8000. Unable to play multichannel dsf files despite that they say that the newest beta fixes this problem. When I go to Roon I don't even see the option to choose 5 or 7 channel. Everything is downmixed to 2 channels.

    5. Shankzi
      Hi Mirror,

      I'm having the illegal authorized error, can you help me?

      NET MAC: 80:0a:80:5b:e8:d8
      UUID: Authentication failure uuid
      Date: 2023/11/28 00:45:35

      State: Illegal authorized (3)
    6. Purité Audio
      Purité Audio
      Misue Hi, I hope you are well?
      Congratulations on the new DMP A-8 it looks superb.
      I emailed you regarding ordering an ordering enquiry I have a new email address
      would you be kind enough to get in touch?
      Yours Sincerely,
    7. billchm
      is it possible to get 0.98 I have 0.90, some minor smb issues to resolve and would like to try 0.98
    8. Genadi
      Hi mirror! I have 55uh850...and zidoo z9x Mac 80:0a:80:56:68:03: v.6.0.60 g. Dolby Vision have a 1080p limited. the TV shows Dolby Vision 1080p, and the information on Zidoo HDR10 1080p 8 bit.. ......when I put on the zidoo option for automatic frame and resolution, after I start Dolby Vision video, it loads, returns to the menu and continues only sound
    9. conni
      Hi mirror! I'm having authentication problem with my X9S can you please authorize? Thank You!!!
      NET MAC ...80:0a:80:5a:53:0e
    10. Szilard
      hi, did you read my post?
    11. Szilard
    12. Szilard
      About 1 month I not access this file. I would like help for zidoo in translate to Hungarian. I wrote to support team, and they send me a new apk file with xmls. I will translate them, but I need that the xls, that I translated yet. Please send me the last file, or add me to access
    13. Szilard
    14. wei0908
      Hi mirror! I'm having authentication problem with my X9S can you please authorize? Thank You!!!
      NET MAC ...80:0a:80:5a:0c:1f
    15. Kahverengi
    16. videobruce
      Regarding spam;
      Give me five minutes I could get rid of all it it! How long does it take to delete a thread? Seconds?

      I reported it here ('contact us' at the bottom of the page) and directly to Zidoo thru their web site.
      I also use the 'Report' function to flag many of these threads which includes this joker that asks a single question, starting a separate thread, some being duplicate threads!
    17. Usat
      Hi mirror! I'm having authentication problem with my X9S can you please authorize? Thank You!!!
      NET MAC ...80:0a:80:5a:55:18
    18. ryu_loong
      hi,i am having a problem from my zidoo x10 after update to the latest firmware v2.0.34
      after use the next time i open i get stuck on the zidoo screen,i try to flash it...after flash the box only show boot on screen and no pic on the tv...
      can anyone please help.
      1. Kahverengi likes this.
    19. cconklin1
      please authorize.. thanks
      1. Kahverengi likes this.
    20. maichelng
      Hello Mirror. Can you please help me with my X9S UUID: Authentication failure uuid?
      NET MAC: ............................
      State Illegal Authorized (3)
      Thank you.
      1. Kahverengi likes this.
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    Apr 17, 1978 (Age: 46)