Zidoo Z9x Pro NFS scan returns no results

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by rb2k5, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. rb2k5

    rb2k5 New Member

    Just received my Z9x, but having problem with NFS.
    I have 8 NFS shares on my Openmediavault NAS.
    All my KODI boxes find these shares without problems (via Zeroconf browser) but scanning the server from my Z9X returns nothing.
    SMB works, but I'd like to use NFS if possible.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Edit - Found the problem. My OMV NAS only had v3,v4, and v5 NFS enabled. Had to enable NFS v2 to get the Zidoo to recognise it. Looks like the Zidoo uses NFS v2.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  2. Vinay

    Vinay New Member

    I have the same problem with my unraid setup where it will find all the files on my SMB shares but after loading nothing plays. I then hooked up a plex server and used the zidooplexmod with zdmc addons, that works. Can anyone share what config an SMB should have to resolve this.

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