Zidoo Uhd5000 + Amazon Music + Dolby Atmos

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by RedSusanin, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. RedSusanin

    RedSusanin New Member

    Sorry for my poor English.

    I want to ask who has experience using the Zidoo uhd5000 with Amazon Music in dolby atmos mode?

    I installed Amazon music apk via usb on the player's release firmware. My impressions: the program works clumsily, but the sound output to my Denon 8500ha takes place in dolby atmos. All atmos channels work well, but the volume is lower than that of the apple TV.

    Who has experience, maybe it is possible to improve the work of Amazon music? Amazon has more atmos tracks.

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