Hi, just a short question: why do you need to have FindAccounts on the Device or Add or Remove Accounts Permissions in Zidoo RC Android app for phones? If it's not mandatory, can you provide an apk without these permissions? Thanks, Dan.
I've reinstalled the Android app without those permissions, it seems that's working (almost) OK (as Android app, no FCs etc), but I don't get it how to connect to X1. There is an Youtube tutorial or some extra info I can use ? Where should I input the IP of X1? Thanks again. Dan.
Touch here like the follow pic,It will be auto search X1,when they are in the same network.BTW:We have Remove Accounts Permissions today
it's already updated (open Zidoo RC app on X1, there is a barcode to be read with a barcode scanner app on Android phone/tablet, then a link to apk to be downloaded). new App working ok, already connected to X1, getting used to it ;-) Thanks again.
Look in the top right corner of the app. The icon looks like a pad with a pen on top. Click that and a box will pop up labeled Input Click inside this box with the blinking cursor and a keyboard will pop up.
@mirror every time I start the app I have to click the little drop down and select my X1. Is there any way to connect automatically once the app starts? Maybe a setting toggle to choose a default if you have more than one Zidoo device?