Z20 pro 1.0.65g blackscreen on resume forward some mkv

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619BPD)' started by SebaFR74, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. SebaFR74

    SebaFR74 New Member

    Hi. I was watching 2 movie 4k mkv, but when i resume or forward, i have black screen ! And sometime green screen, or freeze ofcthe vidéo, ans when i Come back to interface, the HDR continue To be active !
    If you Can give me link or FTP i Can send you the twi movie.
  2. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    First install the latest beta and try again.
  3. SebaFR74

    SebaFR74 New Member

    Thanks a lot, i did'nt know, they were a new version ! i don't receive email for that :(.
    it worked.
    I installes the 1.0.80_G
    I had this problem, only with video with Dolby Vision, on my HDR 10+ TV.
  4. blenky

    blenky Well-Known Member

    1.0.80_G is alpha and not beta firmware - be careful! However people that are using it seem to be happy with it. I suggest you keep an eye on this thread and install the latest beta which is usually posted in the first thread. Currently 1.0.75.
  5. johnnyquest

    johnnyquest New Member

    Were do you get the version 1.0.80 from? I haven't upgraded from the first firmware yet.

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