Z10 PRO - Missing folders

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1619DR)' started by mctree, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. mctree

    mctree New Member

    Hi everyone. I bought a Z10 PRO, and I'm still getting used to the player (there's a lot to learn!), and I'm facing an issue that I'm not sure how to solve. I connected a 1TB external 2.5'' drive to the Zidoo player, and I can play the video files inside the drive, but for some reason I'm noticing there are many missing folders. Is this normal? And how can I solve it?

    I know there are many folders missing, because I've been using this external hard drive for several years, with my old ASUS R1 player, and I always have one folder per TV show, and there are many TV shows missing.

    I searched the forum, for missing folders, and I'm not getting any useful results. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
  2. mctree

    mctree New Member

    It took some head scratching and trial and error, but I found and fixed the problem. This player doesn't recognize folders starting with '.''.

    It was easy to fix, I changed the name of the folders. :)

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